ISBN 升位前出版社CIP数据申报方法

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目前各出版单位已经陆续开始使用13位的 ISBN 书号出版图书,而 CIP 中心应对 ISBN 升位的数据申报软件“出版社书源管理系统”进行的升级改造尚未完成,为不影响 CIP 数据的正常申报,各出版社可以按如下方法进行操作:1.目前申报13位 ISBN 号的 CIP 数据,继续使用原申报软件,需要分两步走:(1)请将13位的 ISBN号填入工作单的“责任编辑”栏内,原 ISBN 栏则空置不填入内容;并将责任编辑的姓名、电话填入“内容提要”栏内。(2)需要注意的是使用以上(1)方案填报数据,各出版社打印的“标准 CIP 数据”印刷格式中是没有ISBN 号的。各社负责申报 CIP 数据的人员在收到数据后,需要在打印出的“标准 CIP 数据”上将该书的13位 ISBN 号手工填入相应的位置,然后再排版印刷。2.对于已经用10位 ISBN 号申报过 CIP 数据但目前尚未出书的情况,如果计划换用13位的 ISBN 号, At present, each publishing unit has gradually started to use 13-digit ISBN book numbers to publish books. However, the CIP Center has not yet completed the upgrade of the ISBN-upgraded data reporting software and the “Publishing House Source Management System”. In order not to affect the CIP data Normal reporting, the press can operate as follows: 1. The current declaration of 13 ISBN CIP data, continue to use the original reporting software, you need to go in two steps: (1) Please fill in the 13-digit ISBN number Single “” editor “column, the original ISBN column is empty do not fill in the content; and the name of the responsible editor, phone into the” content summary “column. (2) It should be noted that the use of (1) program to fill in the data, each press print ”standard CIP data “ printing format is no ISBN number. After receiving the data, each agency responsible for declaring CIP data needs to manually fill in the corresponding 13-digit ISBN number in the printed ”Standard CIP Data" and then typeset and print it. 2. For those who have already reported CIP data with 10 ISBN numbers but have not yet published a book, if they plan to switch to 13-digit ISBN numbers,
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