Multi-Seed Key Distribution Scheme Test

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gpi678c
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The key problem of securing multicast is to generate, distribute and update Session Encryption Key(SEK). Polynomial expansion with multi-seed(MPE) scheme is an approach which is based on Polynomial expansion(PE) scheme and overcomes PE’s shortage. Its operation is demonstrated by using multi-seed, the group member is partitioned to many subgroups. While updating the SEK, computation is needed only in one of subgroups, the other of them will use the computation history to update their SEK. The key problems to design a MPE scheme application includes to find a feasible one way function as well as to generate a Strict Prime Number(SPN). Those technologies with multi-seed and computation history concepts make MPE as a good choice in practical applications. A prototype test system is designed and solutions of all above mentioned problems are included in this proposed paper. The key problem of securing multicast is to generate, distribute and update Session Encryption Key (SEK). Polynomial expansion with multi-seed (MPE) scheme is an approach which is based on Polynomial expansion (PE) scheme and overcomes PE’s shortage. is demonstrated by using multi-seed, the group member is partitioned to many subgroups. While updating the SEK, computation is needed only in one of subgroups, the other of them will use the computation history to update their SEK. The key problems to design a MPE scheme application includes to find a feasible one way function as well as to generate a Strict Prime Number (SPN). These technologies with multi-seed and computation history concepts make MPE as a good choice in practical applications. A prototype test system is designed and solutions of all above mentioned problems are included in this proposed paper.
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