How to Improve Students’Intrinsic Motivation

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  Abstract:With the internationalization of the society, the status of English is rising. It is more and more important to communicate in English. However, there are still exist some obstacles in the process of learning English.For most students, the poor foundation of English, low interest is a common problem when learning English. Therefore, for teachers,how to stimulate the intrinsic motivation of students has become one of the important issues.
  Key words: intrinsic motivation; strategies
  Learning motivation is a kind of internal self-motivation that directly promotes learners to learn, and it is a kind of self-supervision to motivate and guide learners to learn. The inducement may be various, but the most important is depends on the content enthusiastic degree and the subjective initiative of the learners.Learning motivation can be divided into external motivation and internal motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a motivation caused by people's interest in learning activities,which comes from within the learners and the satisfaction of intrinsic motivation can only be satisfied by learning activities[1]. The external motivation is produced by the external incentives and can only be satisfied through external incentives to complete. In the process of English learning, once learners find themselves in touch with the most essential parts of English and have a yearning for it from the heart, they will greatly stimulate their own thirst for knowledge and can keep learning enthusiasm for a long time. Compared with these two motivations, the effect of intrinsic motivation on learning behavior is long-term and stable, while the effect of extrinsic motivation on learning behavior is more short-term and results-oriented.
  2.Strategies to enhance students’ intrinsic motivation.
  Intrinsic motivation is one of the leading factors that can influence learners’ achievement and interest in learning a second language. So, it is important to stimulate and enhance the learners’ intrinsic motivation.
  2.1Strengthen communication with students, build a harmoniousenvironment.
  It is self-evident that it isimportant to strengthen the communication with students and build a harmonious and loose classroom teaching environment. Therefore, it is necessary to build a good teaching environment Try to keep up the enthusiasm of the students. First of all, teachers should have a caring, understanding, tolerant and considerate attitude towards each student, treat each student fairly , and always maintain a peaceful attitude and a stable mood.Teachers should also use their own teaching skills to resolve the embarrassing situation in the classroom. Then, in the spare time, the teacher should communicate with the student actively[2],not only must give the student the correct instruction in the study,but also must help them to solve the problems exist in their thought and in the life .   2.2 Student-centered and use a interesting way to teach.
  Student-centered and use a interesting way to teach can stimulate students' learning motivation. To make students interested in English, first of all, teachers should make classroom lively and let students feel that English classes are lively and interesting,accepting the learning contents without paying much attention to it. Then students learning process will become easy and pleasant. Therefore, in the teaching,the teaching content of each class, all must ponder over and over again,designs meticulously, diligently seeks for the best teaching method which suits this section teaching content. When teaching, the language is succinct, fluent, humorous. Combine the teaching content, organize dialogue performance in different ways, appropriate interspersed with some small games, education in fun, let students really participate in teaching, become the owner of the classroom.
  2.3Appropriate reward and punishment,maintaining students' internal motivation
  Praise and reward can stimulate students' learning motivation more effectively than criticism and responsibility.Therefore, praise rather than criticism should be given to students in teaching. Only by giving priority to praise and put criticism in the second place can help students to develop healthily in body and mind. In the evaluation of students' academic achievements[3], we should comprehensively use a variety of evaluation methods, so that every student can be successful happiness.
  2.4Task assigned to students should be in proper complexity and has specific aims.
  Teachers should assign appropriate tasks to students according to their present second language level. If the task is too difficult, it will impair the students’ enthusiasm. And if the task is too easy, students can’t get the feeling of challenging. Besides, teachers should let the students understand the aims of a certain task clearly, since clear aims are helpful for students to stimulate and maintain their intrinsic motives.
  3. Conclusion
  Intrinsic motivation is vital to students because it plays an important role in improving their enthusiasm and initiative for learning. It is hoped that these teaching methods can be applied to the teaching in the future to improve students' intrinsic motivation and enhance their ability to use English in real contexts.
  [2]曾伟.浅谈学习的内部动机及其培养.湖北教育,2003. (20):58-59
摘要:近年来,我国高等职业教育发展迅速,青年教师队伍得到了极大充实。青年教师的教学能力是高职院校整体教学能力的最为重要的组成部分。高职院校青年教师具有学历层次高,知识结构新,专业技能强的特点。但是也有著教育教学经验缺乏,教学能力有所欠缺的不足。本文通过“核心教学能力”的概念,提出只有提升核心教学能力,才是新时期高职院校青年教师教学能力提升的路径。  关键词:高职教育;青年教师;核心教学能力  随着
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摘要:本文首先阐述了核心素养视角下高职英语课堂教学中文化导入的重要性,然后提出了进行文化导入的基本原则,最后从信息化导入、文化背景导入、情景导入、价值观导入、词汇教学导入等方面提出了核心素养视角下高职英语课堂教学文化导入的策略,希望为我国高职英语老师带来一定的启示,在英语课堂中利用文化内容提高学生的核心素养。  关键词:核心素养;高职英语;课堂教学;文化导入  引言:  近年来,国家越来越注重学生
摘要:英语是中职阶段教育的重要学科,在新课程理念下,英语教育要更加注重中职生核心素养的培养。语法是英语中非常重要的教学内容,学生只有充分掌握英语语法知识,才能够实现英语的正确运用,同时对于提升学生的英语实际应用能力具有积极的帮助。因此,在核心素养培养的目标下,广大中职英语教师应针对语法教学策略展开深入探讨,为中职学生学好英语、在未来能够更自信地投入到工作岗位做好充足的准备。  关键词:核心素养;中
摘要:本文针对职业核心能力嵌入式教学模式的改革研究,将从职业核心能力的培养现状入手欧,对职业核心能力嵌入式教学模式的重要意义及改革研究进行深入分析,以此推动我国教育事业的发展。通过文章的分析得知,职业核心能力嵌入式教学模式的改革研究对学生具有较为重要的意义,希望本文的研究,能在一定程度上对提升学生的综合素质提供参考性意义。  关键词:职业核心能力;嵌入式;教学模式  前言:现阶段,绝大多数大学生面
摘要:由于身体和心理上的不足,决定了特殊学生的认知水平和受教育水平与普通学生不同。因而,应实施有针对性的特殊教育,落实适当的法规和制度,以此维护特殊学生的根本权益,更大限度的去提升特殊学生群体的受教育能力。本文考察了特殊学生特殊教育的关键地位和开展方向、法律的基本保护,深入特殊学生的教育,并创造一个公平的、优质的教育环境。  关键词:特殊教育;特殊性;保障机制  特殊教育的主体为特殊学生群体。特殊
摘要:中等职业教育培养目标是要将具有综合职业能力的人培养成适应我国社会主义现代化建设的要求。培养的人是在生产、服务一线工作的高素质劳动者和技能型人才,具有德、智、体、美四大标准。通过调查和访谈发现很多家庭教育中存在缺失、误解或者扭曲劳动教育;学校在管理、教学和校风建设上弱化了劳动教育;学生缺乏吃苦耐劳的精神、缺乏幸福生活需要靠劳动去创造的领悟。  关键词:中等职业学校;劳动课程;劳动活动;劳动文化