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在对液培条件下 4个玉米品种苗期耐盐性比较的基础上 ,研究了它们在盐胁迫条件下植株体内钾、钠和钙元素含量的变化。结果表明 :高盐浓度时 (10 0 mmol/ L Na Cl以上 ) 4个玉米品种的生物量不同程度的下降 ,茎叶降低幅度大于根系 ;而在低盐浓度时 (50 mmol/ LNa Cl) ,抗盐性强的品种生物量有增加的趋势。植株体内钠含量随 Na Cl浓度的升高而增加 ,抗盐性弱的品种含量高 ,茎叶钠含量与茎叶干重高度负相关 ;钾含量随 Na Cl浓度升高而下降 ,抗盐性强的品种含量高 ;钙含量和钠 /钙比值随 Na Cl浓度升高而提高。茎叶中三元素含量均高于根系。茎叶对钾钠的选择性吸收随 Na Cl浓度升高而增加 ,根系则表现先升后降的趋势。 4个品种抗盐大小的顺序是 :Z31>50 0 5≥ ND>GY。 Based on the comparison of salt tolerance of four maize cultivars at seedling stage under liquid culture conditions, the changes of potassium, sodium and calcium contents in plants under salt stress were studied. The results showed that the biomass of four maize varieties descended in different degrees at high salt concentration (above 10 mmol / L NaCl), and the reduction rate of stems and leaves was greater than that of roots. However, at low salt concentration (50 mmol / L NaCl) Biomass of salt-tolerant cultivars tends to increase. The content of Na in plants increased with the increase of NaCl concentration, but the content of Na +, Ca2 + and Zn2 + was negatively correlated with the dry weight of stems and leaves. The content of K decreased with the increase of NaCl concentration, Strong varieties of high content; calcium content and sodium / calcium ratio with increasing Na Cl concentration increased. Three elements in stems and leaves were higher than the root system. The selective uptake of potassium and sodium by stems and leaves increased with the increase of NaCl concentration, but the root increased first and then decreased. The order of salt tolerance of the four varieties is: Z31> 50 0 5> ND> GY.
1防危机 春季气候多变,饲草青黄不接,是羊群一年中最困难的时期.因此,要想使羊群安全度过春天,必须加强补饲,使羊群尽快恢复体况,战胜春寒和“跑青”的双层危机.rn2防“跑青
1特征特性苏丹草为禾本科苏丹草属1年生草本植物。根系入土深达2米,株高约2米,分蘖枝达10余个。叶宽条形,平均每茎有7~8枚叶片。圆锥花序,长15~80厘米,每枝梗节对生2小 1 Char