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广州六中是一所市重点中学、省一级学校、首批创办国家级示范性高中的学校。它有69年的辉煌办学历史,有宽广美丽的校园,有先进齐全的教学设施学校有一支由特级教师、教育硕士领衔的行政管理队伍,有高素质、勇于创新进取的教师队伍。其中特级教师6人,高级教师和硕士61人,还有大批在全国、省、市各项教学比赛、素质测试、学科研究中,在香港大学等高校进行双语教学的培训中。脱颖而出、才华出众,取得优异成绩的中青年教师。学校重视以人为本,强化德育工作的科学性、针对性、实效性,全面推动学生综合素质提高。六中历届高考均获市毕业班综合评估特等奖、一等奖。在2004年高考中,语文、数学、英语三科均夺得省单科状元。在2005年高考中,数学、政治又夺得省单科状元。两年高考重点率达70%以上,本科率96%以上。2006年英语、化学又夺得省单科状元,获得市毕业班综合评估一等奖。数学、物理、化学、生物奥林匹克竞赛硕果累累,不少学生获得全国、省、市奖励。特别是信息学奥林匹克竞赛,我校在省联赛中连续5年荣获团体冠军,三年共有29位学生获高校保送资格。科技大赛中,崔融丰同学荣获全国一等奖、英特尔奖,并在第55届国际科学与工程学大赛中荣获银奖。200年,各学科竞赛共获得全国、省,市竞赛一、二等奖216人次,实现了广州六中高素质人才培养工作的历史性突破,为高校和社会输送了大批全面发展的优秀人才。 Guangzhou Liuzhong is a city-level key middle school, a provincial-level school, the first batch of the establishment of a national model high school. It has 69 years of brilliant history of running a broad and beautiful campus, a complete set of advanced teaching facilities. The school has a top-level teachers, master of education led by the administrative team, a high-quality, innovative and enterprising team of teachers. Among them, there are 6 super-teachers, 61 senior teachers and masters, as well as a large number of bilingual teaching in universities, colleges and universities in Hong Kong, such as teaching competitions, quality tests and academic researches in China, the provinces and cities. Outstanding, talented, excellent young middle-aged teachers. The school attaches importance to people-oriented, strengthen the scientific morality, pertinence and effectiveness, and comprehensively promote the overall quality of students. Six previous college entrance examination have been graduates of the city comprehensive assessment grand prize, first prize. In 2004 college entrance examination, language, mathematics, English three subjects have won the provincial champion. In 2005 college entrance examination, mathematics, politics and won the provincial champion. Two years college entrance examination key rate of more than 70%, undergraduate rate of 96% or more. In 2006, English, chemistry and won the provincial champion, won the city graduation class comprehensive assessment first prize. Mathematical, physical, chemical and biological Olympiad fruitful, many students won the national, provincial and municipal incentives. In particular, the Informatics Olympiad, our school won the team championship in the provincial league for five consecutive years. In the three years, a total of 29 students were accredited by colleges and universities. In the science and technology competition, Cui Rongfeng classmate won the first prize of the country, Intel prize, and won the silver medal in the 55th International Science and Engineering Competition. In2002, a total of 216 competitions of first and second prizes of national, provincial and municipal competitions were won in all subject competitions, which achieved a historic breakthrough in the cultivation of six high-quality talents in Guangzhou and provided a large number of outstanding talents for all-round development in colleges and society.
根据武汉分行对电子邮件(LotusDomino/Notes)系统 R5升级工作的统一部署,宜昌中支科技人员参加完武汉分行辖区电子邮件系统升级培训后,迅速组织科技人员加班加点工作,于2002
课题:轻歌曼舞之《蓝色的探戈》(人民音乐出版社第14册第五单元)课型:欣赏课第二课时授课年级:初一教学目标: (1)通过欣赏《蓝色的探戈》,扩大学生的文化视野,了解舞曲音乐。
水雨情自动测报系统涉及到水情信息的准确、及时传输,关系到防汛抗旱的决策调度。结合多年的工作经验,对水雨情自动测报系统常见故障作出系统的分析,并提出相对应的策略。 A