极目春光美 更喜东风来

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新年伊始,立春时节,中纪委驻财政部纪检组组长、财政部党组成员贺邦靖代表部党组到中国资产评估协会看望评协工作人员,领导的到来犹如一股春风,温暖人心。借此契机,我们摘编了财政部部长谢旭人、财政部副部长丁学东对评估行业的重要指示,财政部部领导的指示体现了对资产评估行业的高度重视;证实了资产评估行业在我国市场经济中的重要作用;指明了我国资产评估行业的改革发展方向。领导的指示对评估行业是契机、是福音、是动力,从中深刻领悟,更激发了资产评估行业人士在新的一年中奋进的斗志。我们要深刻认识和领会,积极做好工作,为评估行业健康、规范发展贡献力量。 The beginning of the new year, the beginning of the spring season, the Discipline Inspection Commission in the Ministry of Finance discipline inspection team leader, member of the Ministry of Finance Party He Bangjing delegation to the China Association of Asset Assessors visit evaluation staff, leadership comes like a spring breeze, warmth. Taking this opportunity, we have compiled the important instructions from Xie Xuren, Minister of Finance, and Ding Xuedong, Vice Minister of Finance, on the evaluation of the industry. The instructions given by the leaders of the Ministry of Finance show the great importance attached to the industry of asset evaluation. We have confirmed that the asset evaluation industry is in the market economy of our country The important role of the specified asset-assessing industry in China’s reform and development. The guidance of the leaders is an opportunity to evaluate the industry. It is the gospel, the driving force, and the profound comprehension from it. It further stimulates the asset evaluation profession to strive for a new year. We must profoundly understand and comprehend, and actively do a good job in contributing to the assessment of the health and standardization of the industry.
<正> 本刊编委,中国人民大学法学院教授,中国法学会常务理事、中国法学会民法学经济法学研究会总干事、著名民法学家和法学教育家佟柔,因病医治无效,不幸于1990年9月16日凌晨3时25分在北京逝世,终年70岁。佟柔教授于1921年6月20日出生于辽宁省北镇县,早年就读于东北大学,1949年
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