
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wk1990
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每到防火期,民航局都要派出运五,里二,米八,直五等各种型号的飞机几十架,参加林区巡护,运送扑火队员、运输扑火物质、空洒化学药液灭火等项工作。实践证明,飞机参加森林防火工作,对及时发现林火,扑救森林火灾起到了很重要的作用,尤其在巡护森林过程中,发现森林起火方面,在地面设施不完善的情况下更显得十分重要。据加格达奇肮空护林站统计,自1980年以来,飞机在巡护中发现的林火次数占该站所辖林区发生林火次数的75%以上。这些林火又多发生在偏远的山区,交通不便,绝大多数都是初起之火,面积不大,容易扑救。由于飞机及时发现山火,立即通知地面组织扑救,所以,近几年来林地过火面积,大大减少了。虽然飞机能够及时发现山火,地面积极 Every fire protection period, the Civil Aviation Authority must send Yun five, two, eight, straight five dozens of aircraft of various types, to participate in forest patrols, transporting firefighters, transportation of fire-fighting materials, air sprinkler chemistry Liquid fire and other work. Practice has proved that the participation of aircraft in forest fire prevention plays an important role in timely detection of forest fires and in the fight against forest fires. In particular, during the course of patrolling forests, it is even more important to find forest fires and imperfect ground facilities . According to Gargatac empty forest station statistics, since 1980, the number of forest fires found in the patrolling of the station accounted for more than 75% of the number of forest fires occurred in the station under its jurisdiction. These forest fires occur in remote mountainous areas more frequently. Traffic is inconvenient. Most of them are fires of initial stage. Their size is small and they can be easily saved. As the plane discovered the fire in time, it immediately notified the surface organization to save the fire. Therefore, the area of ​​over-burning woodland has been greatly reduced in recent years. Although the plane can detect the fire in time, the ground is very active
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