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久保田博二(Hiroji Kubota)是玛格南图片社成员,日本著名摄影家。他参加了“中国摄影家2011响沙湾迎春国际摄影周”活动,为了拍好响沙湾,年过七旬的他冒着严寒在沙漠里不停按动快门,艺术的激情使他仿如二三十岁的小伙子,“轰炸机”所到之处,精彩画面亦不断呈现。久保田博二非常勤奋,他在摄影周开幕之前两天便来到响沙湾,闭幕之后两天才离开,目的就是为了拍好响沙湾。每次拍摄他都是早早地去到目的地,提前观察地形,选好拍摄视角。在室外拍摄骆驼等移动物时,他会不断地走来走去,甚至是跑来跑去,寻找最佳角度。而在室内拍摄模特表演、选美大赛等舞台类作品时,他则提前一两个小时便到达表演场地,选择前几排的居中位置,架好三脚架。拍摄时,则以连拍为主。每拍到好片子,便如小孩般高兴得又叫又跳,很是兴奋。 Hiroji Kubota is a member of Magnum Photos and a famous Japanese photographer. He participated in the “Chinese photographer 2011 Sound Sand Bay Spring Festival International Photography Week ” activities, in order to make a good sound of Sha Wan, over seventy years he risked cold in the desert kept pressing the shutter, the passion of art so that he Imitation, such as twenty or thirty-year-old boy, “bomber ” wherever he went, the wonderful picture is also constantly showing. KUBOTA Hiroyuki was very diligent. He came to Suliang Bay two days before the opening of the photography week and left two days after the closing. The purpose was to make a good sounding of the bay. Every time he shoots are to go to the destination early, observe the terrain in advance, choose the shooting perspective. When shooting moving objects such as camels outside, he walks and walks, even running, looking for the best possible angle. When shooting stage performances, beauty pageants and other stage works indoors, he arrived at the venue an hour or two ahead of schedule and selected the first few rows of his center to make tripods. Shooting, then the continuous shooting. It is very exciting to get a good film every time I get a good movie.
原发性小血管炎是主要侵犯小血管,以血管壁坏死性炎症、纤维素样坏死为病理特征的一类自身免疫性疾病。在原发性小血管炎中,部分与抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(anti-neutroph il cy
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目的探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)在细胞水平对载脂蛋白E(Apo E)表达的影响。方法采用逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)检测Hep G2.2.15细胞(整合了HBV全基组)及其对照细胞Hep G2中Apo
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Objective:To investigate the relationships between endothelial nitric oxide synthases(eNOS) G894T and 27 bpvariable number tandem repeat(VNTR) gene polymorphism