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工会不能说撤就撤。工会是工人自己的组织,是维护职工合法权益、协调职工与企业之间关系的桥梁和纽带,职工习惯地称工会为自己的“娘家”。可有的企业改制后,在精简机构中,首先向“娘家”开了刀,有的并了,有的撤了,有的虽没并没撤,但在工会经费的划拨上打了折扣,使工会正常活动难以开展,工会明存实亡。安全工作莫马虎。以前在国有企业,设有专门的安全科,负责检查生产车间的安全措施落实情况,对不符合安全规定的进行督促整改,让人感到工作有一种安全感,觉得有人在关心自己。可改制后的企业对管安全的部门撤的撤,并的并,放 The union can not withdraw or withdraw. Trade unions are the workers' own organizations and are the bridges and ties that safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees and coordinate the relations between employees and enterprises. Workers often refer to the unions as their own “maiden”. After some enterprises can be restructured, in streamlining institutions, they first cut their knives to some extent, and some of them even removed some of them. Although some did not withdraw, they called for the allocation of labor funds Discounts, so that the normal activities of the trade unions are difficult to carry out, and the unions exist in good to their being. Safety work Mo Mohu. In the past, specialized security departments were set up in state-owned enterprises to take charge of checking the implementation of safety measures in production workshops and urging rectification and non-compliance with safety regulations, giving people a sense of security in their work and feeling that some people are concerned about themselves. After the restructuring of the enterprise security department to withdraw the withdrawal, and the merger and release
一、举世瞩目的国际招标 中国国家博物馆地处天安门广场,在一 定意义上代表着国家的形象,它的改扩建必 将受到公众的极大关注。为使改扩后的国家 博物馆达到国内领先、国际一流
第五届亚太地区物理学会议(5th APPC)于1992年8月10日~15日在马来西亚召开。来自中国、日本、巴基斯坦、韩国、印度以及美国、德国等国家和台湾、香港地区的250多位代表聚会
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