A Relationship Lined With Confidence

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Despite the many changes in Africa during 2011,Sino-African ties remain optimistic for 2012 by Ni Yanshuo FOR the African continent,2011 was a year of change,protest and and uncertainties.The unrests in North Africa led to regime changes in the three North African countries of Tunis,Egypt and Libya;a new country,the Republic of South Sudan,became independent and got its seat in the United Nations;a total of 17 countries held presidential elections,and a grave famine devastated the Horn of Africa. “It is true that what happened in Africa may influence Sino-African relations to some extent,but the chaos and uncertainty cannot fundamentally change the bilateral relations,” said Zhang Zhongxiang,Deputy Director of African Studies Center of Shanghai Normal University.“You can see in the past year that both sides are taking measures Despite the many changes in Africa during 2011, Sino-African ties remain optimistic for 2012 by Ni Yanshuo FOR the African continent, 2011 was a year of change, protest and uncertainties. The unrests in North Africa led to regime changes in the three North African countries of Tunis, Egypt and Libya; a new country, the Republic of South Sudan, became independent and got its seat in the United Nations; a total of 17 countries have presidential elections, and a grave famine devastated the Horn of Africa. ”It is true that what happened in Africa may influence Sino-African relations to some extent, but the chaos and uncertainty can not fundamentally change the bilateral relations,“ said Zhang Zhongxiang, Deputy Director of the African Studies Center of Shanghai Normal University. ” You can see in the past year that both sides are taking measures
在漫长的前寒武纪地史中,地壳的波浪运动在地层的旋回性、沉积盆地的迁移及褶皱特征诸方面均留下了印迹。本文概略地介绍了山西前寒武五套地层所记录的地壳波浪运动迹象。 D