PCR-DGGE Analysis of Nematode Diversity in Cu-Contaminated Soil

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A wheat pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions to assess the effect of copper contamination on soil nematode diversity by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE) method and morphological analysis. The soil was treated with CuSO4·5H2O at the following concentrations:0,50,100,200,400,and 800 mg kg-1 dry soil,and the soil samples were collected at wheat jointing and ripening stages. Nematode diversity index(H’) from morphological analysis showed no difference between the control and the treated samples in either of the sampling dates. At the wheat ripening stage,nematode diversity obtained by the PCR-DGGE method decreased noticeably in the Cu800 treatment in comparison with the control. With optimization of the method of nematode DNA extraction,PCR-DGGE could give more information on nematode genera,and the intensity of the bands could reffect the abundance of nematode genera in the assemblage. The PCR-DGGE method proved promising in distinguishing nematode diversity in heavy metal contaminated soil. A wheat pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions to assess the effect of copper contamination on soil nematode diversity by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) method and morphological analysis. The soil was treated with CuSO4 · 5H2O at the following concentrations: 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg kg -1 dry soil, and the soil samples were collected at wheat jointing and ripening stages. Nematode diversity index (H ’) from morphological analysis showed no difference between the control and the treated samples in either of the sampling dates. At the wheat ripening stage, nematode diversity obtained by PCR-DGGE method decreased noticeably in the Cu800 treatment in comparison with the control. With optimization of the method of nematode DNA extraction, PCR-DGGE could give more information on nematode genera, and the intensity of the bands could reffect the abundance of nematode genera in the assemblage. The PCR-DGGE method identif promising in distinguishing nematode diversity in heavy metal contaminated soil.
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有一只猫,它不是真正的猫,它只是一只肚子里充满气的充气玩具猫  一天晚上,充气猫遇到了一只真正的猫它见猫不理它,很生气:“喂,小猫,见到你猫大叔怎么不敬礼?”  猫说:“我正在值班,抓老鼠是不能开小差(chāi)的”  充气猫大叫一声:“喵!你居然不把我放在眼里!”  猫说:“嘘,别惊动了老鼠”  充气猫气鼓鼓地说:“我会跳,能跳得特别特别高;也能站在十层楼往下跳,你行吗?”  “哦,从那么高的地
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【摘要】美术是学生必修的一门艺术课程,对于学生的全面发展起着重要的作用。如果说其他课程赋予学生的多是理性知识的话,美术赋予学生的则是敏锐的眼睛、灵巧的双手、丰富的想象力和一颗善感的心。虽然美术课所占课时较少,但只要把握好启美、启智、启德、启信这四个着力点,就可以使美术教学较大程度地发挥其特有的作用。  【关键词】启美 启智 启德 启信  一、启美,即是引导学生欣赏美、理解美,进而创造美  对工艺美