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中国传统插花艺术起源于先秦时期,经历魏晋南北朝佛前供花形式的确立以及隋唐五代由官方到民间的大力发展,至宋元达到鼎盛,明代总结成论,到清代逐渐衰微,其发展历程中有许多耐人寻味的闪光点。五代时期郭江洲所发明的占景盘,即是其中值得细细研究的一件珍品。占景盘的出现是插花技术上的一大进步。它使盘花有了自己的支撑点,因此盘花才能充分凸显出其盘面空间大、容花量多、重心低、稳定性好的优点。在那个生产力水平较为低下的年代,郭江洲的占景盘无法大量复制。因此,目前未能有实物资料留存于世。现有可供研究的可靠资料,有宋人留下的少量文字记录以及具有占景盘遗意的花器、定枝器实物。笔者参考存世的相关实物资料,以科学实验的方法进行复原,并在复原的基础上进行改良,以使之符合当代人的审美及使用习惯。 The traditional Chinese flower arrangement art originated from the pre-Qin period. It experienced the establishment of the form of the Former Buddha in the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the vigorous development of the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties from the official to the private. It reached its peak in the Song and Yuan dynasties and concluded in the Ming Dynasty. There are many interesting flash points. Five Dynasties Guo Jiangzhou invented the scene accounted for the scene, which is worth careful study of a treasures. Accounting for the emergence of King plate is a major technical progress flower arrangement. It makes the flower has its own support points, so the disk can fully demonstrate its disk space, capacity and more, low center of gravity, good stability. In that era of relatively low level of productivity, Guo Jiangzhou account for the scene can not be a large number of copies. Therefore, at present there is no physical data left in the world. Available reliable data available for research, the Song left a small amount of text records, as well as possession of the scene with the meaning of flowers, fixed device in kind. With reference to the relevant physical data of Survival, the author uses the method of scientific experiment to recover and rehabilitate it on the basis of recovery so as to conform to contemporary aesthetic and usage habits.
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