
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leonmalay
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植物生长调节剂B_9(N,N-二甲基琥珀酰胺酸)能延缓花生的营养生长和促进生殖生长,改变花生植株光合产物的分配比例,减少地上部干重而增加地下部干重。多年来国内外许多学者在花生上进行B_9的试验都取得较好的增产效果,喷施B_9已成为花生高产栽培的一条经济有效的新措施。对B_9的生理效应及作用机理,国内外学者进行过一些研究。但对B_9在花生体内的残留及降解动态尚未见有报道。我们应用~(14)C标记B_9,并采用放射性测量法和显微放射自显影术研究B_9在花生体内及荚果中的残留动态。为了了解B_9在植物体内经一定时间后是否会降解,我们还应用纸谱法测定其放射性物质的R_ 1值,为B_9的生产应用提供理论依据。 Plant growth regulator B_9 (N, N-dimethyl succinamic acid) can retard the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of peanut, change the distribution ratio of photosynthate of peanut plants, decrease the dry weight of aboveground parts and increase the dry weight of underground parts. Over the years many domestic and foreign scholars in the peanut B_9 test have achieved good yield increase, spraying B_9 has become a peanut high yield cultivation of a new economical and effective measures. On the B_9 physiological effects and mechanism of action, scholars at home and abroad have done some research. However, there is no report about the residue and degradation of B_9 in peanut. We used ~ (14) C-labeled B_9 and studied the residual dynamics of B_9 in peanut and pod by using radiometry and micro-autoradiography. In order to understand whether B_9 degraded in plants after a certain period of time, we also determined the R_ (1) value of radioactive substances by paper method, which provided a theoretical basis for the production and application of B_9.
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国外曾报导鸟类可以传播昆虫病毒,国内尚缺这方面的材料。我们在进行颗粒体病毒防治菜青虫的过程中,观察到麻雀取食发病幼虫,因而对麻雀传播病毒的可能性作了一些研究。 自
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