Synthesis and photoluminescent characteristics of Eu~(3+)-doped MMoO_4(M=Sr,Ba) nanophosphors by a h

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dyyangcheng
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The europium ions doped MMoO_4(M=Sr,Ba)nanophosphors were successfully synthesized via a facile hydrothermal method using isopropanol.The relationship between phosphor crystalline phase,morphology,photoluminescent properties and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB)concentration,pH value in precursor solution was investigated.The results indicated that the morphology and photoluminescent properties were strongly influenced by CTAB concentration and pH value in precursor solution.In SrMoO_4:Eu~(3+) hosts,the phosphor surface tended to become smoother as the concentration of CTAB was increased;while particles tended to agglomerate as increasing pH value.The relative intensity ratio of charge transfer band to Eu~(3+) characteristic emission peaks of MMoO_4:Eu~(3+)(M=Sr,Ba)was changed as CTAB concentration and pH value changed.The emission spectra of MMoO_4:Eu~(3+)(M=Sr,Ba)could be adjusted by CTAB concentration and pH value due to their impacts on the structure.It was important that the different morphologies and photoluminescent properties of MMoO_4:Eu~(3+)(M=Sr,Ba)could be obtained by the facile hydrothermal method and modulated by changing CTAB concentration and pH value. The europium ions doped MMoO_4 (M = Sr, Ba) nanophosphors were successfully synthesized via a facile hydrothermal method using isopropanol. The relationship between phosphoricorphic phase, morphology, photoluminescent properties and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) concentration, pH value in precursor solution was investigated. The results indicate that the morphology and photoluminescent properties were strongly influenced by CTAB concentration and pH value in precursor solution. SrMoO_4: Eu ~ (3+) hosts, the phosphor surface tended to become smoother as the concentration of CTAB was increased ; while particles tended to agglomerate as increasing pH value. The relative intensity ratio of charge transfer band to Eu ~ (3+) characteristic emission peaks of MMoO_4: Eu ~ (3 +) (M = Sr, Ba) was changed as CTAB concentration and pH value changed. The emission spectra of MMoO_4: Eu ~ (3 +) (M = Sr, Ba) could be adjusted by CTAB concentration and pH value due to their impacts on the structure. It was important that the different morphologies and photoluminescent properties of MMoO_4: Eu ~ (3 +) (M = Sr, Ba) could be obtained by the facile hydrothermal method and modulated by changing CTAB concentration and pH value.
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