
来源 :临床儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyan881119
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《教育生物学报》是面向教育学、医学和心理学界专业人员的学术性科技期刊,涉及国内外在该领域的最新研究和应用,重视研究成果的应用性转化,将成为一份高科技含量、高应用价值的综合性期刊。根据医院发展需要,决定向社会公开招聘《教育生物学报》杂志编辑2名。 The Journal of Educational Biology is an academic periodical for journals of pedagogy, medicine and psychology. It covers the latest research and application in this field at home and abroad, and attaches importance to the application transformation of research results. It will become a high-tech, Comprehensive application of high value journals. According to the needs of the hospital development, decided to open to the public recruitment of “Journal of Educational Biology” magazine editor two.
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[Objective] To study the scavenging activity of FRUCTUS MORI polysaccharides to free radical in vitro.[Method] The ability of FRUCTUS MORI polysaccharides to sc
Objective To observe the meridian tropism of Polygoni Avicularis Herba by tissue distribution of avicularin in rats. Methods Tissue distribution of avicularin i
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