Protein seeding in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease: Similarities and differenc

来源 :World Journal of Neurology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intel20107
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Neurodegenerative pathology can be seeded by introduction of misfolded proteins and peptides into the nervous system. Models of Alzheimer’s disease(AD) and Parkinson’s disease(PD) have both demonstrated susceptibility to this seeding mechanism, emphasizing the role of misfolded conformations of disease-specific proteins and peptides in disease progression. Thinking of the amyloidogenic amyloid-beta peptide(Aβ) and alpha-synuclein(α-syn), of AD and PD, respectively, as prionoids requires a comparison of these molecules and the mechanisms underlying the progression of disease. Aβ and α-syn, despite their size differences, are both natively unstructured and misfold into β-structured conformers. Additionally, several studies implicate the significant role of membrane interactions, such as those with lipid rafts in the plasma membrane, in mediating protein aggregation and transfer of Aβ and α-syn between cells that may be common to both AD and PD. Examination of inter-neuronal transfer of proteins/peptides provides evidence into the core mechanism of neuropathological propagation. Specifically, uptake of aggregates likely occurs by the endocytic pathway, possibly in response to their formation of membrane pores via a mechanism shared with pore-forming toxins. Failure of cellular clearance machinery to degrade misfolded proteins favours their release into the extracellular space, where they can be taken up by directly connected, nearby neurons. Although similarities between AD and PD are frequent and include mechanistically similar transfer processes, what differentiates these diseases, in terms of temporal and spatial patterns of propagation, may be in part due to the differing kinetics of protein misfolding. Several examples of animal models demonstrating seeding and propagation by exogenous treatment with Aβ and α-syn highlight the importance of both the environment in which these seeds are formed as well as the environment into which the seeds are propagated. Although these studies suggest potent seeding effects by both Aβ and α-syn, they emphasize the need for future studies to thoroughly characterize “seeds” as well as analyze changes in the nervous system in response to exogenous insults. Models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) have both collectively susceptibility to this seeding mechanism, emphasizing the role of misfolded conformations of disease-specific proteins Thinking of the amyloidogenic amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ) and alpha-synuclein (α-syn), of AD and PD, respectively, as prionoids requires a comparison of these molecules and the mechanisms underlying the progression of disease In addition, several studies implicate the significant role of membrane interactions, such as those with lipid rafts in the plasma membrane, in mediating protein aggregation and transfer of Aβ and α-syn between cells that may be common to both AD and PD. Examination of inter-neuronal transf er of proteins / peptides provides evidence into the core mechanism of neuropathological propagation. Specifically, uptake of aggregates likely occurs by the endocytic pathway, possibly in response to their formation of membrane pores via a mechanism shared with pore-forming toxins. Similar to between AD and PD are frequent and include mechanistically similar transfer processes, what differentiates these diseases, in terms of temporal diseases and spatial patterns of propagation, may be part due due to the differing kinetics of protein misfolding. Several examples of animal models demonstrating seeding and propagation by exogenous treatment with Aβ and α-syn highlight the importance of both the environment in which these seeds are formed as well as the environment into which the seeds are propagated. Althoughthese studies suggest potent seeding effects by both Aβ and α-syn, they emphasize the need for future studies to thoroughly characterize “seeds” as well as analyze changes in the nervous system in response to exogenous insults.
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