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本文基于对跨文化修辞学发展过程的深入解读,梳理跨文化修辞学视阈下二语写作研究的主要理论模式,评析当前研究路径,并对相关理论和实践问题进行反思。文章的分析论述表明,在跨文化修辞学的发展过程中Kaplan模式和Connor模式起到里程碑式作用;与后现代主义思想结合,与新媒介研究结合,与社会、历史、政治语境研究结合及与语料库语言学研究结合构成当前跨文化修辞学视阈下二语写作研究的主要路径;但理论建构和二语写作课堂教学实践之间的关联、新的二语写作理念对于提高二语学习者写作的效果等问题值得反思。 Based on an in-depth analysis of the development of intercultural rhetoric, this article combs the main theoretical models of second language writing research from the perspective of intercultural rhetoric, analyzes current research routes, and reflects on relevant theoretical and practical issues. The analysis of the essay shows that the Kaplan model and the Connor model play a landmark role in the development of intercultural rhetoric. Combining with postmodernism, combining with new media research and integrating with social, historical and political contexts and And the study of corpus linguistics constitute the main path of second language writing research from the perspective of intercultural rhetoric. However, the relationship between theoretical construction and second language writing classroom teaching practice and the new concept of second language writing are very important for improving L2 learners’ Writing and other issues worth the reflection.
王智勇,山东青岛人,1979年 出生,身高1.92米,体重120公斤。1992年被周玉进老师选入青岛市体校练习推铅球,1994年被张平凯老师选入山东省体校练习投链球,1998年2月入选八一田
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