Preparation and Reactions of Octasilsesquioxanes

来源 :合成化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxz
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Because of the length scales involved, nanocomposite materials incorporate extensive interfacial interactions that can result in non-linear changes in the composite property. Chemists often start from polymerizable inorganic and organic constituents in th Because of the length scales involved, nanocomposite materials incorporating extensive interfacial interactions that can result in non-linear changes in the composite property. Chemists often start from polymerizable inorganic and organic constituents in th
It is a key step for reducing waste generation in chemical processes to design op-timal reaction paths. In this paper, methods of waste minimization for reactio
A definition of metal vector was given to coordinatively unsaturated metals or asymmetrically coordinated metal complexes in which the metal center is partly bl
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【正】 Because Guangxi Vinylon Group Company Limited suffered an explosionon August 26th at its vinyl acetate workshop(CCR 2008 No.25),the WorkSafety Committee(
Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.(Yihua Chemical,SZ:000422)announced on December 25th,2008 that the 600 000 t/asynthetic ammonia and 1.04 million t/a urea