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随着林业的发展,森林资源得到有效的保护,林下可燃物不断增加,森林防火工作形势十分严峻,营造生物防火林带是森林防火工作的治本措施。普通生物防火林带因没有直接的经济效益,群众营造的积极性不高,而靠政府投入来营造,资金又有困难。现分析了生物防火林带的主要功能,提出了我国现如今生物防火林带工程营造存在的问题,并指出了一些具体解决措施。 With the development of forestry, the forest resources are effectively protected, the amount of combustible materials in the forest is constantly increasing, and the situation of forest fire prevention is very serious. The construction of biological fire-retardant forest belt is the fundamental remedial measure for forest fire prevention work. Ordinary biological fire belt due to no direct economic benefits, the enthusiasm of the masses to create not high, but by the government to create inputs, funding and difficulties. At present, the main function of biological fire-forest belt is analyzed, and the existing problems of creating biological fire-proof forest belt project in our country are put forward. Some concrete measures are also pointed out.
Celiac disease(CD) is an autoimmune response to ingestion of gluten protein, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley grains, and results in both small intestin
美国国家半导体公司(National Semiconductor)6月21日宣布,推出业界首款针对高压电源转换器的增强型氮化镓(GaN)功率场效应晶体管(FET)而优化的100 V半桥栅极驱动器。美国国
阐述了一种低成本有效标定宽频带负反馈地震计的方法,给出了实际标定结果和数据处理方法。 A method of low cost effective calibration of broadband negative feedback se
Characteristics of organic matter content, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of carbonate rocks are discussed by analysis of organic carbon and pyrolysis. T
正电子发射断层扫描(Positron Emission Tomog-raphy,PET)是正电子成像中最先进的仪器。它利用组成人体的主要元素(11C、13N、150、18F等正电子核素)为显像剂,使人们从分子
导演:Lvnn Shelton  主演:科洛·莫瑞兹  山姆·洛克威尔  马克·韦伯  类型,地区:喜剧兵 爱情 美国  上映日期:2014年09月26日(美国)  剧情  28岁的女主角无法承受男友求婚的压力,她选择以与中学生交朋友的方式来逃避。凯拉·奈特莉在片中扮演一个叫做“梅根”(Megan)的年轻女人,她的男友(马克·韦伯)策划了一场别出心裁的求婚,结果吓坏了她,于是借着休假的名义和16岁