坚韧不拔 求实创新——庆贺我国著名分析化学家周同惠院士九十华诞

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2014年11月8日是我国著名的分析化学家周同惠院士九十华诞,值此我们对周同惠院士为我国药物分析化学的开拓和发展,以及兴奋剂检测工作做的突出贡献表示崇高的敬意,并祝愿他福如东海,寿比南山。 November 8, 2014 is the 90th birthday of academician Zhou Tonghui, a famous analytical chemist in China. Therefore, we pay tribute to Academician Zhou Tonghui for his outstanding contribution to the pioneering and development of Chinese pharmaceutical analytical chemistry and the doping control test. I wish his blessing, such as the East China Sea, life than Nanshan.
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