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一位动物学家对生活在非洲大草原奥兰治河两岸的羚羊群进行过研究。他发现东岸羚羊群的繁殖能力比西岸的强,奔跑速度也要比西岸的每分钟快13米。而这些羚羊的生存环境和属类都是相同的,饲料来源也一样。于是,他在东西两岸各捉了10只羚羊,把它们送往对岸。结果,运到东岸的10只一年后繁殖到14只,运到西岸的10只剩下3只。原来,在东岸生活着一群狼。东岸的羚羊之所以强健,是因为在它们附近生活着一个狼群,西岸的羚羊之所以弱小,正是因为缺少了这么一群天敌。没有天敌的动物往往最先灭绝,有天敌的动物则会逐步繁衍壮大。大自然中的这一现象在人类社会也同样存在。 A zoologist studied the antelopes living on both sides of the Orange River in the African savannah. He found that the East Antelope herds multiplied more than the West Bank and ran 13 meters faster than the West Bank. And these antelopes living environment and genus are the same, the same source of feed. So he caught 10 antelopes on each side of the east and west and sent them to the other side. As a result, 10 of the 10 animals that were transported to the East Bank breed to 14 after one year, leaving only 10 of the remaining 10 to the West Bank. Originally, living in the east coast of a pack of wolves. The reason why the antelopes on the east coast are strong is because they live a wolves around them. The reason why the antelopes in the West Bank are weak is that they lack such a group of natural enemies. Animals without predators tend to be the first to extinction, there are natural enemies of animals will gradually multiply. This phenomenon in nature also exists in human society.
The growth of world′s population and the increase demand of better standard of living have increased the consumption of energy.CO2 emission from fossil fuel co
This review reports several key advances on the theoretical investigations of efficiency at maximum power of heat engines in the past five years.The analytical
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