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《纲要》指出:幼儿园应“充分利用自然环境和社区的教育资源,扩展幼儿生活和学习的空间。”应“从生活或媒体中幼儿熟悉的科技成果入手,引导幼儿感受科学技术对生活的影响,培养他们对科学的兴趣和对科学家的崇敬。”结合苏州工业园区独墅湖科教创新区有众多国内外著名高等院校以及代表当今科技领先水平的研发机构和大批科技人才的独特优势,我园开展科学教育具有了得天独厚的优势教育资源。那么科教创新区丰富的科学教育资源中哪些才适合于幼儿的认识兴趣和发展需要,如何按照幼儿科学启蒙教育的需要开发、利用这些科学教育优势资源,成为我园教师需要解决的现实问题。经过长期走访调研,结合独特地理优势和资源,我们尝试开展科学启蒙教育之“走进神奇的纳米王国”。 The “Outline” states: Kindergartens should “make full use of the natural environment and community educational resources to expand the space for children’s life and learning.” Starting with the scientific and technological achievements of children and young children in the life or the media, we should guide young children to science and technology The impact of life, to cultivate their interest in science and reverence for scientists. “” Combined with the Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Zone in Suzhou Industrial Park, there are many well-known domestic and foreign institutions of higher learning as well as R & D institutions and a large number of scientific and technological talents representing today’s advanced science and technology Unique advantages, I park to carry out science education has a unique advantage of educational resources. How to develop and utilize the resources of science education in accordance with the needs of early childhood science education has become a realistic problem that teachers in our park need to solve. After long-term visits to research, combined with unique geographical advantages and resources, we try to carry out scientific education “into the magic of the nano-kingdom.”
Objective: To analyze the value of CTPA in assessing the dissolve of embolus and the function of the right ventricle dynamically. Methods:Twenty-three cases of
这篇文章主要讨论了如何构建“视、听、做”一体化的幼儿语言习得环境,目的在于为我国众多幼儿教育机构的幼儿教育模式提供更多建议与参考。 This article mainly discusses
目的 探讨不同分化程度的胃癌细胞凋亡情况和全反式维甲酸对其影响。方法 以人胃癌细胞系低分化的MKN-45和高分化的MKN-28细胞作为研究对象,以不同浓度的全反式维甲酸干预其72小时后,以原位DNA断段切口标记法和DNA琼脂糖电泳检测细胞凋亡情况。结果 两种细胞系的凋亡率均低于5%,全反式维甲酸干预后凋亡指数上升,且可能与药物浓度有关。结论 全反式维甲酸可诱导胃癌细胞凋亡。