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《书目答问》是一部在中国近代文化史上具有广泛影响的目录图书。它是晚清著名政治家、洋务运动的代表人物之一张之洞为了解决“读书不知要领,劳而无功;知某书宜读而不得精校精注本,事倍功半”的问题,而为诸生专门开列的图书书目,分门别类,再按时代先后排列,于其重要处 Bibliography Q & A is a catalog book that has a broad impact on the history of modern Chinese culture. It is the famous politician in the late Qing Dynasty, one of the representatives of the Westernization Movement Zhang Zhidong In order to solve the problem of "reading without knowing the essentials, relentless work; knowing that a book should be read without the fine school, All books listed in the book are categorized into different categories, and then arranged according to the times, in its important place
AIM: To investigate the correlation between hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis C virus (HCV) expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the
OBJECTIVE To study the clinical,pathologic and imaging features of multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma(MCRCC)and to review the diagnosis and treatment of t
普通语言学GeneralLinguistics语言研究 ( 2 8.90元 )TheStudyofLanguageSecondedition/G .Yule语言学教程 ( 38.90元 )Linguistics :AnIntroduction/A .Radford普通语言学概论 ( 4 1 General Linguistics Linguistics: An Introduction / A.Radford General Linguist
90年代以来吴宓研究成果丰硕、势头方兴未艾。傅宏星《吴宓评传》值得欢迎。吴宓的命运堪称中国近现代知识分子群象与命运的缩影和象征 ,吴宓思想的核心是中国人文精神和西方
《文选》是我国现存最早的一部总集 ,治《文选》者 ,形成“选学”。编选者萧统 ,在历代成千上万的作家作品中“略其芜秽 ,集其清英” ,下了很大的工夫。萧统以“事出于沉思 ,