
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bengouwa
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所谓燃烧热,即1摩尔的可燃物完全燃烧时释放出的热量。还有一个相近的名词:热值或发热量,指单位质量的可燃物完全燃烧时释放出的热量。这两个名词是有区别的,但目前常混用。燃烧热在林火管理中是一个极为重要的参数。为了定量地预测林火行为,常常用各种林火蔓延模型,美国国家火险等级系统中广泛应用的林火蔓延模型——罗森美尔(Rothermel,R.C.)模型,在该模型中林火蔓延速度用反应强度(即火头中单位面积上发出的热量)来表示,而后者与可燃物 The so-called heat of combustion, that is, 1 mole of combustible material is completely released when the heat of combustion. There is a similar term: calorific value or calorific value, refers to the unit of mass of combustible material is completely released when the heat. The two terms are different, but they are often used nowadays. Burning heat is an extremely important parameter in forest fire management. In order to quantitatively predict forest fire behavior, it is common to use various forest fire spread models, the widely used model of forest fire spread in the National Fire Rating System, the Rothermel (RC) model, in which forest fire spreads The speed is expressed in terms of reaction intensity (ie, the amount of heat emitted per unit area of ​​the fire head), which is compared with combustibles
作物品种的抗虫性,大体可分为三类:无偏嗜性,抗生性及耐害性。1978—1981年我们从国内外6,943份水稻品种和品系材料中,筛选鉴定出对稻瘿蚊0rseolia oryzae Wood-Mason有抗性
果园生草是保护性耕作制中符合保护土壤资源、保持生态平衡的一种土壤管理制度。果园生草在国外,特别是西方先进果产国运用已久,大部分国家都采用 Grass planting in orcha
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古诗赏析历来是高考的重点。在题目命制上,各套试卷有不同的特点:全国课标卷指向明确,内涵单一,难度适中;浙江卷指向笼统,内涵丰富,难度较大。针对这类比较笼统的题目,备考也应有所变化。本文试以2016年高考浙江卷为例研究。  例题 阅读宋人刘克庄的《北来人》,赏析画线的句子。(3分)  试说东都①事,添人白发多。  寝园残石马,废殿泣铜驼。  胡运占难久,边情听易讹。  凄凉旧京女,妆髻尚宣和②。  
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