Cellphone Ban in Movie Theaters 电影院:该不该和手机说拜拜?

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  It’s become a sadly common experience at this point: a night out at the movies, a fortune shelled out on tickets and snacks,1 suddenly ruined by someone in the audience taking out their phone. Some theater chains recognize how annoying this problem is for viewers: The Alamo Drafthouse has a zero-tolerance policy and will eject any patron distracting viewers with their light-up screen.2 But not every company is following suit—according to the new CEO of the theater chain AMC, the battle against moviegoers who use their phones has already been lost.3
  “When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don’t ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow,”4 Adam Aron said in an interview with Variety. “You can’t tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That’s not how they live their life.” You heard him: The youngsters5 simply can’t sit still for two hours without checking their phones, so we might as well abandon hope. But one of the chief advantages of the theatrical experience is being removed from such distractions, and in a time when cinema chains are being threatened by expanded home-viewing options, they should try to promote that distinction, rather than abandon it.6
  The biggest problem with cellphone use in a theater is that it doesn’t just distract someone’s seat-mates; the annoyance of a screen lighting up is unavoidable to anyone in the rows behind the phone user as well.7 I’ve watched someone go through their emails for a good 10 minutes while I was sitting 10 rows behind them, and all I could do was wait for someone nearby to tap them on the shoulder.8 At a recent viewing of Zoolander 2, I sat next to someone who excitedly took out their mobile device, opened their Notes app, and wrote down the name of every celebrity cameo in the film.9 (If you haven’t seen Zoolander 2, it has a lot of celebrity cameos.) The film writer Matt Singer recently recalled10 someone taking pictures of the screen during a 3D movie, perhaps unaware that their phone didn’t also have 3D glasses on.
  As cellphone use has proliferated, movie theaters have divided into two camps: Smaller businesses like the Alamo Drafthouse that make a point of strictly enforcing behavioral rules for its theatergoers, and larger chains like Regal and AMC that remind viewers to turn off their phones before the movie starts but pay no real heed after that.11 When Aron, who became CEO of AMC a few months ago, opines on encouraging texting, he’s acknowledging the truth that unchecked phone use is already rampant in cineplexes around the country.12
为何富者愈富,穷者愈穷?富人往往祖辈富裕,而穷人则代代潦倒。是因为富人勤奋,穷人懒惰?富人聪明,穷人愚钝?有研究者称,穷人并非因为不善理财而经常处于没钱的状态,恰恰相反,正是由于他们没有钱,所以才不善理财。人的精力有限,当你每天都在绞尽脑汁为今天的生计而盘算时,又怎会有暇顾及如何规划明天呢?  阅读感评  秋叶  贫富分化是个世界性的难题。据说尼克松访华时,曾对当时的中国领导人说,美国是世界上最富
雨林,人类最后的神秘之境,面积仅覆盖地球6%的土地,却有着超过一半的全球动物与植物品种,许多甚至是濒临绝种的稀有动植物。    物种的繁复多样,也滋养着大量珍贵药材。据统计,全球所用药物中,几乎一半原材料与自然药物来自雨林。正因此,雨林被冠上了许多昵称:“世界之肺” “最大药厂”等。  印象中,雨林大多偏居熱带,但在加拿大、美国等温带区域,也分布着若干零散的存在。目前,全世界有三大热带雨林:南美洲
[1] 为了论证君主的权威,人们就创造了“君权神授”的理论。不过为了社会安定,免得江山被倾覆,就有“屈君申天”之说,但终无“民权”。而所谓“民为贵”也无非是说“老百姓很重要”,如果没有老百姓的“劳力”,那么“治人”的人就无法“食于人”了。  [2] 因此,我们虽然可以说孟子的“民为贵”的思想在当时社会条件下是有意义的,甚至是难能可贵的,但它确实不是我们今天所要求的“民权”。中国的封建专制社会是一种
农家少年圣地亚哥16岁之前在神学院受教育,因为他的父母想让他将来成为受人尊敬、收入稳定的牧师,同时也可以为家族增光。然而热爱读书的圣地亚哥受梦境的感召,想走出自己生活的村庄去别处看看。因为没有足够的钱去旅行,他决定先做一个牧羊人,可以赶着羊群,去更远的地方。在撒冷之王的引导下,他决定追随自己的梦想,于是他卖掉了羊群,去埃及金字塔寻找宝藏。  巴西著名作家保罗·科埃略创作的The Alchemist
原 文  [1] 现代意义上的“系统”一词 ,转译自日文,从西方而来,如希腊文的systema,英文的system,其功能大于各个部分相加之和。  [2] 世界上的事物不是随意堆加在一起的,而是有着内在规律,即形成了系统。一切事物都是复杂的系统集合,有宏观亦有微观,包括天体、地理、社会、人体、思维等等。  [3] 然而,人类取得这样的认识却经历了几千年。特别是四百多年前牛顿发现了万有引力,一百多年
日前,Trek 发布了具有空气动力学设计的新一代公路车—第六代 Madone,使用多项关键技术进行升级换代,为骑手增强了自行车的核心优势。Trek 还为新车提供了圈刹和碟刹选项,进一步提升了这款自行车的魅力和应用潜力。通过 Trek 的定制自行车计划 Project One 还可以购买定制款 Madone,包括全新 Madone 專享涂装方案ICON。  Madone SLR 的上管 IsoSpe
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上个月12日,第十四届中国户外金犀牛奖颁奖典礼在京北160公里的海坨山谷举行,这也是我们第一次把金犀牛颁奖放在了户外。  当天中午正好碰到何川和孙斌,两位攀登大神刚刚完成布达拉峰北壁的登顶。何川说金犀牛在这里太棒了,大家能更好地感受到户外的氛围。其实这里与他们经历的地方还是完全不同的,那些高山险峰孤绝于世、人迹罕至,和人類保持着距离甚至充满敌意,这里的户外则是温暖与包容。由此也让我想到一个事情,很