
来源 :中国气功 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiteng89
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中国气功界在风雨中度过了十多个春秋,如汹涌的海潮有涨有落,泥沙俱下,鱼龙混杂,经历多次荡涤之后,气功的发展必然转入较平稳的轨道,这是万法归宗归大道的必然,也是不以人们意志为转移的客观规律。纵观历史上的传统功法,大都是独门独派独传,甚至秘不外传,可以说精华糟粕并存,而且繁杂,带有较浓的迷信色彩,千百年来只流传于江湖民间,为极少数人修炼;自八十年代起,随着世人开放意识的深入,许多门派传人顺天意、遵师命 The Chinese Qigong community has spent more than a dozen spring and autumn periods in the stormy days. For example, the surging tide has gone up and down, the sand and mud of the Qigong area have been mixed together. After many times of clean-up, the development of qigong inevitably turns into a more stable orbit. The necessity of returning to the avenue is also an objective law that does not depend on the will of the people. Throughout the history of the traditional Gong Gong, most of the independence and independence are solitary, or even secretly omnipotent, we can say that the essence of dross co-exist, but also complicated, with a more superstitious color, for centuries, only spread in rivers and lakes folk Very few people practice; since the eighties, with the deepening of the world’s awareness of openness, many martial art people follow God’s will, follow their lives
The mass burial of dinosaur bone fossils in the Late Cretaceous Wangshi Group in Zhucheng,Shandong Province has been a research focus in recent years.However,th
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