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2010年5月12日下午,全国防汛抗旱电视电话会暨国家防汛抗旱总指挥部全体会议后,湖南省委、省政府立即召开全省防汛抗旱工作电视电话会,贯彻落实全国会议精神,部署新一轮强降雨迎战工作。省委书记、省长周强要求全省上下立即行动,全面做好防汛抗灾工作,夺取今年防汛抗灾工作全面胜利。省委常委、省委秘书长杨泰波主持会议,省政府副省长、省防汛抗旱指挥部指挥长徐明华通报有关情况。 On the afternoon of May 12, 2010, following the plenary meeting of the National Flood Control and Drought-Resistant Television Conference and the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government immediately held a TV conference on flood control and drought relief throughout the province to implement the spirit of the national conference and deploy new A heavy rainfall against the work. Governor Zhou Qiang, secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, urged the entire province to take immediate actions from above and below to fully carry out flood control and disaster relief work and win the overall victory of flood control and disaster relief this year. Yang Taibo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary general of the provincial party committee, presided over the meeting. Xu Minghua, deputy governor of the provincial government and commander of the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters informed the relevant situation.
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目的观察社区医生指导家长捏脊治疗婴幼儿营养不良的效果。方法 2009年10月—2012年3月发现营养不良患儿69例,其中有38例患儿家长自愿接受社区指导进行捏脊治疗作为治疗组,另
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20 0 2年 7月 2 8日~ 8月 1日 ,由中国科技情报学会、中国国防科技信息学会主办 ,郑州航空工业管理学院信息科学系承办的“新世纪情报学教育发展战略研讨会”在郑州航空工业管