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随着互联网的发展,我们国家原有的媒介格局被打破。报纸一统天下的时代不复存在。在新中国有着近40年辉煌历史的报纸,它对当时的舆论起到了至关重要的作用。而今天,信息技术的发展,广播、电视等新传统媒体已经不在风光。手机、电脑也成为传媒业重要的一部分。新兴媒体以其快捷、方便、及时融合、远程化的传播特点,率先传播各种信息,甚至是国家面临的重大突发性事件。面对新技术的突飞猛进,传统纸质媒体不能坐以待毙,必须寻找到自身的突破口,打赢这场舆论的战争,发挥正确引导舆论的作用。 With the development of the Internet, the original media structure of our country is broken. Newspapers dominate the world no longer exist. In New China, a newspaper with a glorious history of nearly 40 years, it played a crucial role in the media at that time. Today, the development of information technology, radio, television and other new traditional media are no longer scenery. Mobile phones and computers have also become an important part of the media industry. The emerging media take the lead in disseminating various kinds of information and even major unexpected events facing the country with its fast, convenient, timely integration and remote communication features. Faced with the rapid development of new technologies, the traditional paper media can not wait for nothing. It must find its own breakthrough, win the war of public opinion, and play the role of correctly guiding public opinion.
A novel method, sputtering K9 glass film, is proposed to solve the surface corrosion of Er-doped phosphate glass during ion-exchange processing for optical wave
师范院校图书馆特色化建设的开展,有利于发挥学校的教学资源优势,有利于提高院校的教学质量,有利于推动院校特色化教育的发展。 The development of the characteristic con
司各特二三事(一)早餐未毕,邮差送来了邮袋,里边鼓鼓囊囊不知装了多少信件。正在司各特(Sir Walter Scott,1771—1832)家作客的麦尔维利勋爵觉得挺好奇,他相信,没有特殊的理
Objective: In this study, we measured both thymidine phosphorylase (TP) and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) levels, and then determined the TP/DPD ratios,