The Analysis of the Gothic Element

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  【Abstrac】The Tell-tale Heart is one of the most typical gothic novel of Allen Poe’s. This article intends to analyse one of the gothic elements, that is, high emotion which is employed in The Tell-tale Heart to contribute to the horror effect.
  【Key words】gothic elements; high emotion; psychology; oversensitive
  Edgar Allen Poe was one of the most influential writer, poet, editor and literary critic in American literature. He was especially famous for his tales of mystery and horror, which could find their best expressions in Poe’s gothic novels. Dealing with the themes such as death, decay, madness and ghost, gothic novel usually contains the following elements: setting in a castle, an atmosphere of mystery, an ancient prophecy, portents, inexplicable events, high emotion, women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male, women in distress, the metonymy of gloom, and horror and the vocabulary of the gothic.(webset) Apart from high emotion, the other elements mainly rely on descriptions of the external surroundings and objects to creat the atmosphere of terror . High emotion, however, means that the narration may be highly sentimental, and the characters are often overcome by anger, sorrow, surprise, and especially, terror. (webset)It concerns more about human beings’ internal world, where the real and overwhelming terror arises. This is especially true of Poe’s work. Distinguished from the other gothic novel writers, he probed into human beings’ internal world by means of the delicate psychologcial analyses.(2008: 12) The Tell-tale Heart is a perfect manifestation of Poe’s skillful employment of high emotion conveyed by a oversensitive and abnormal young man. The young man killed his neighbour simply to rid himself of the old man’s annoying vulture eye. He then took apart the body and concealed the parts under the floor, thus convincing himself to stay calm when faced with the inqury from the policemen. The killer narrowly escaped the investigation but the consistent beating of heart causing his anxiety gave him away at last. From my perspective, high emotion in The Tell-tale Heart reflected by the oversensitive character is demonstrated by the killer’s absurd motive to murder and the acute sense of hearing.
  1. The absurd motive to murder: terror aroused by the vulture eye
  Neither out of revenge for offence nor desire for wealth, the young man’s motive to kill his neighbour was extremely absurd-- "it was his eye! yes,it was this! He had the eye of a vulture - a pale blue eye,with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me,my blood ran cold." He was so oversensitive that even an eye could pose a threat to him and stimulate him to commit the murder. In fact, his over-sensitivity could be expounded as paranoid psychosis.(2008: 29) The young man did not carry out the murder for the first seven nights because the old man was sound asleep with his eyes closed. The killer had not yet been triggered. It was the eighth night that the old man opened his eyes and the murder finally took place. The old man was wakened by a noise and "I saw it with perfect distinctness - all a dull blue,with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones." On seeing the eye, the young man suddenly grew so furious that he totally lost control and "could see nothing else of the old man’s face or person; for I had directed the ray as if by instinct, precisely upon the damned spot." He took the old man’s life at last to free himself from the haunted agony. The high emotion conveyed by the oversensitive protagonist who commit a murder out of an absurd and inexplicable reason passes on a sense of horror to the readers successfully.   2. The acute sense of hearing: the beating of the heart
  "The disease had sharpened my senses - not destroyed - not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell." So he had always been hearing the beating of the heart. The beating of the heart, according to me, plays dual roles in this short story. On one hand, it symbolizes the doom of the old man; on the other hand, it is the reflection of the protagnist’s different psychological states and directs the whole process of the murder. The development of the beating of the heart could be divided into four stages. At the first stage, the beating of the heart came into the protagonist’s ear and “it grew quicker and quicker, and louder and louder every second”, where the protagonist’s anger was evoked and enhanced increasingly so that the murder was plotted, leading to the threat to the old man’s life. At the second stage, the beating of the heart became louder and “excited me to an uncontrollable terror.” The protagonist was then at the breaking point with his determination to terminate the old man’s life. At the third stage, “the heart beat on with a quiet sound” symbolizes the perish of the old man and his sense of release as well as satisfaction after freeing himself from the disturbing soud. The forth stage is the climax because “the ringing became more severe”, “kept increasing” and “grew louder -- louder – louder” until the protagonist could not bear it any more and made a confession of the crime. In fact, the beating of the heart is just an illusion originated from his internal terror. So it is not the beating of the heart but his abnormal psychological state that led him to the murder and then gave himself away.
  Focusing on the character’s psychology, Poe employed the gothic element of high emotion as a key to the success of this short story in terms of the absurd motive to kill and acute sense of hearing of the oversensitive character functioning to develop the plot, introduce the suspension and create the atmosphere of horror. Actually, Poe also employed a variety of other elements to enhance the horror effect. For example, the author’s arrangement of the murder happening in a dark house could be considered as the variant of the “setting in castle”, and deep night is usually regarded as the “atmosphere of mystery”. Combining these all, Poe presented readers a thoroughly abnormal murderer and successfully passed on the sense of terror.
  [1]Wang Wei, The Transcendence of Allen Poe’s Novel, Journal of Literature Review.2008.
  [2]Zhang Muxiao.The Rationality of Absurdity, Journal of Changzhi University.2008.
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一、研究背景  当前,新课程改革正如火如荼地进行着,越来越多的人开始意识到解读小学英语教材的重要性,随着新版本教材的日益增多,对小学英语教材的评析和比较研究也越来越多,但对于小学英语新旧教材如何有效整合的研究却很少,3A Unit4《My family》这课的教学是对小学英语新旧教材如何有效整合进行的有益尝试。  二、教学思路  本单元的话题为介绍家庭成员。Story time中主要出现了fami
一宗罪案经过广泛报道之后总能吸引整整一代人的眼球。虽然逃避死亡是人之常情,但罪案常常让我们直面死亡。罪案发生之后,相关的地点、时间或人物就有了以前没有的重要意义。  记者在报道中所描写的那些犯罪行为往往触目惊心或肮脏不堪,不幸的是,它们却激发了某些读者心中隐藏着的犯罪冲动,因此一些文学评论家将犯罪小说,尤其是那些详尽描写犯罪行为的小说视为垃圾。  但是这种思路可能存在一个问题:在众多的世界著名小说
【摘要】近年来我在创设交际互动课堂方面进行了一些有益的探索和实践,感受到交际互动带给教师和学生无限的发展空间,带给教与学愉悦的情感体验。  【关键词】开放式 交际互动 语言运用 小班制  语言是交际性工具。基础阶段英语教教学的终极目标是发展学生的语用能力。所谓语用能力就是用英语进行交流的能力,用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力,用英语进行思维的能力。  一、创设初中英语交际互动课堂的前提条件  在初中
这充满躁动的新世纪开始以来,有哪些优秀小说值得我们阅读呢?BBC文化栏目的撰稿人简·恰巴塔里对几十位颇有声望的书评家做了调查,请他们列出21世纪头15年里的最佳英文小说。书评家们共列出156部小说,基于投票票数,我们呈上前12部作品。   NO.12:《中性》(Middlesex,杰弗里·尤金尼德斯,2002年)  “我有两次生命:第一次是作为一个女婴, 1960年1月出生于底特律市,那一天底特律
最后,两名州探员、一名来自曼彻斯特警察局的探员、一名特工、一名急诊室医生、一名医院派的患者顾问都离开了,房间里除了她只剩下一个人,这个小房间是医院用来向患者家属介绍患者情况的。那人站在角落里。贝丝·穆尼坐在浅橙色塑料椅面的安乐椅上,双手紧握放在膝头,那人俯视着她。  “呃,”他说,“我们现在面临的情况确实有些棘手,是吧?”  她试了两次才发出声:“你是谁?”  此人身材瘦削结实,脸庞晒得黝黑,在1
【摘要】本文对由外教授课的学生和由中国教师授课的学生的英语口语产出进行分析,找出其口语中运用自我修正的不同特点,并提出相应的教学改进方法和建议。  【关键词】语言输入 英语口语自我修正  一、引言  《朗文语言教学及应用语言学词典》中对“修正”这一次的解释是:在言语产出中由说话者自己(即自我发起)所作的一种修补,称为自我修正。“修正”是口语语篇中的特征之一。说话者的修正行为不仅体现在内容层面上,在