
来源 :机车车辆工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyld2006_ldcy
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我厂在制造柴油机时,曲轴的磨削是在一台从英国进口的磨床上进行的.这台洋设备,由于进刀机构不精确,出了不少废品,严重地影响了生产.机一连广大职工,遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“中国人民有志气,有能力,一定要在不远的将来,赶上和超过世界先进水平”的教导,狠批了叛徒、内奸、工贼刘少奇所推行的反革命修正主义路线,狠批了“洋奴哲学”、“爬行主义”,组成了以老工人为主体的三结合小组,经过反复试验,在曲轴磨削中采用了气动测量.曲轴磨削实现自动测量后,不但保证了产品质量,而且提高了生产效率20%以上. 该气动自动测量装置包括机械测量装置和 I plant in the manufacture of diesel engine, the crankshaft grinding is carried out on a grinder imported from the United Kingdom .This ocean equipment, due to inaccurate feed mechanism, out of a lot of waste, seriously affecting the production. The broad masses of workers and follow the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, on “the Chinese people have the ambition and ability to catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced level in the near future” and severely criticized the traitors, traitors and thieves Liu Shaoqi Counterrevolutionary revisionist line, severely criticized the “slave slave philosophy” and “creepism” to form a three-pronged group of mainly old workers. After repeated tests, aerodynamic measurements were taken on crankshaft grinding. The automatic measurement of crankshaft grinding , Not only to ensure product quality, but also improve the production efficiency of more than 20% .The automatic pneumatic measuring device including mechanical measuring device and
The world has entered the “super capitalism” era when one third of its economic activities are controlled by less than 3 percent of global financial capital.
<正> 在无产阶级文化大革命的有力推动下,在党的“九大”精神的鼓舞下,我厂的革命和生产形势一派大好。全厂革命职工深入批判了叛徒、內奸、工(?)刘少奇推行的“洋奴哲学”“
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