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4月2日,全国装备工业工作会议在广西南宁召开。当前,世界经济与政治格局正在发生深刻变化,国际金融危机将世界经济带入一个新阶段,全球产业结构面临新的调整。新一轮科技革命和产业变革的孕育兴起,将重塑世界经济格局。我国经济进入中高速增长的转型发展时期,面临着与以往显著不同的内外部环境。国际国内形势的深刻变化,给我国装备制造业带来前所未有的风险和挑战。此时,全国装备工业工作会的召开可谓恰逢其时,对于分析当前的形势,明确今后一个时期的重点任务和工作要求,动员全行业改革创新、开拓进取,加快推进产业转型升级具有重大意义。会议指出,当今世界经济与政治格局正在发生深刻变化,但支撑我国装备制造业发展的基本因素没有改变,全面建设装备制造业强国,必须深入贯彻科学发展观,全面深化改革,坚持“创新驱动、高端引 April 2, the National Equipment Industry Working Conference held in Nanning, Guangxi. At present, the world economic and political pattern is undergoing profound changes. The international financial crisis has brought the world economy to a new stage and the global industrial structure is facing new adjustments. The new round of technological revolution and the rise of the industrial revolution will reshape the world economic pattern. China’s economy has entered a period of rapid development and transformation and development, facing a markedly different internal and external environment from the past. The profound changes in the international and domestic situations have brought unprecedented risks and challenges to the equipment manufacturing industry in our country. At this time, the convening of the National Equipment Industry Working Meeting can be described as coinciding with the time. It is of great significance to analyze the current situation, clarify the key tasks and work requirements for the next period, mobilize the reform and innovation of the entire industry, forge ahead and speed up industrial restructuring and upgrading . The meeting pointed out that profound changes have taken place in the current world economic and political pattern. However, the basic factors that support the development of China’s equipment manufacturing industry have not changed. To comprehensively build a powerful nation in equipment manufacturing, we must thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, deepen the reform in an all-round manner, and adhere to the principle of ”innovation-driven High-end lead
■10.5的缓冲溶液中β-环糊精与酚酞形成包结物,使碱式酚酞退色,以此建立了β-环糊精的光度测定方法。研究了测定的最佳条件和干扰情况。同时探讨了 HPLC 法测定β-环糊精的
<正> 磷酸的纯化有电解、结晶、特定成分的去除等法,现根据某厂生产的热法磷酸的浓度及含杂特点,用新方法纯化。即将除砷后的磷酸,导入离子交换柱及络合吸附色层柱自流地除杂
20 0 2年全国各地的中考数学试卷中 ,普遍加大了对考生的动手实践操作能力和创新能力的考查力度 .大批的方案设计类几何问题如雨后春笋般涌现出来 ,反映了各地中考命题改革、
1,2-二氯乙烷是调 Q 染料五甲川的溶剂,也是被动锁模钕激光器锁模元件的材料之一。化学纯和分析纯的1,2-二氯乙烷含有有机杂质,不能用作激光材料,提纯实验:取10公斤化学纯的1
高级氯代烷是有机合成的重要中间体,也是合成季铵盐、季鏻盐和季锍盐等相转移催化剂的重要原料之一。制备高级氯代烷过去多用PCl<sub>3</sub>或 SOCl<sub>2</sub>等有毒试剂
青蛤(Gmelin)肉味鲜美,营养丰富,因含铁量多,被称为“铁蛤”。我们于2002年6月-2003年10月,在山东无棣一对虾养殖蓄水池,进行了青蛤与梭鱼混养试验,结果获得青蛤500.85 kg/
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