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党的十九大报告提出,实施乡村振兴战略,这为“三农”发展描绘出了新的蓝图。现将报告中涉及“三农”的重要内容整理如下:乡村振兴战略农业农村农民问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题,必须始终把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重。要坚持农业农村优先发展,按照产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的总要求,建立健全城乡融合发展体制机制和政策体系,加快推进农业农村现代化。 The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party reported that the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country has drawn a new blueprint for the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The important contents of the report concerning “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” are summarized as follows: Rural Revitalization Strategy Agriculture The issue of rural peasants is a fundamental issue concerning the national economy and the people’s livelihood. We must always regard solving the “three rural issues” as the work emphasis of the entire party The weight. We must uphold the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, establish and perfect institutional and policy systems for the integration of urban and rural areas and speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and affluent life.
在中国珊瑚化学成分的研究中,我们从南海柳珊瑚Suberogorgia sp.发现结构独特的倍半萜——柳珊瑚酸(Subergorgic acid),根据光谱分析,阐明了这种新的天然产物的结构,并通过X
Objective: By observing body surface temperature variation of the intermediate structures of the Lung(Fei) and Large Intestine(Dachang) exterior-interior relati
众所周知,热处理的主要任务是采用加热和冷却等各种办法来控制金属材料的组织与结构,以获得所需要的性能,不断提高机器零件的使用寿命,从而在生产上获得显著的经济效益。 A
本文利用1982——1984年辽宁流动磁测 F、Z 同时与三个台、站的通化资料,对其测点通化精度进行了统计分析和对比,结果发现 F、Z 的测点通化精度与通化距离、季节等因素之间的