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在纸张普及以前,印章的用法基本上以钤压封泥为主。晚清以来,各地出土了大量的封泥,时代包括战国、秦、汉。孙慰祖先生主编的《古封泥集成》即收有2600余品,这还不包括近年全国各地出土的大批秦汉封泥。封泥也是古代印章资料的重要组成部分。封泥的谱录是以拓片方式辑成的,其与古玺印不同之处在于阴文印变为阳文封泥。封泥边有厚有薄,无规律可言,文字与封泥边时有残断 Before the popularity of paper, the use of seal basically to suppress the pressure of sealing mud. Since late Qing Dynasty, lots of clay have been unearthed around the country, including the Warring States, Qin and Han dynasties. Sun Weizu editor of the “ancient seal integration” that received more than 2,600 products, which does not include the exclusion of large quantities of Qin and Han Dynasties in recent years throughout the country sealing mud. Mud sealing material is also an important part of the ancient seal. Seal of the spectrum is based on rubbings compiled into series, with the ancient seal printed difference is that the yin and yin seal into yang seal mud. Sealing mud side are thick and thin, no law at all, when the text and sealing mud edge broken
Many engineering materials demonstrate dynamic enhancement of their compressive strength with the increase of strain-rate, which have been included in material
Polycrystalline Mg1-xHgxB2 samples with x=0, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% have been synthesized by solid-state reaction. Different from the substitution effect o
关闭屏幕时,你可以看到HP Pavilion系列笔记本电脑采用了全新“绽放”纹理,配合HP新一代Imprint技术,整个笔记本看起来犹如波光粼粼的一池清水,让人不由自主地产生一种宁静悠
MgB2 is a relatively new superconductor; it has attracted great interest from superconductor researchers all over the world. Thorough investigations have been c
【中图分类号】G631【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)08-0086-01  在我们的政治课上经常会强调:经济建设是一切工作的中心,是党执政兴国的第一要务;而经济的发展要靠科学技术,因为科技是第一生产力,是经济发展的关键;而科技的进步要靠人才,因为人才才是生产力中最活跃的因素,在社会发展中起着主导的作用;而人才的培养要靠教育,所以教育事业成为了一个国家和民族最根本的事业,
通过对N100MW、N200MW、N300MW火电机组低加系统的热力计算,分析比较了低加疏水不同连接方式的热经济性和技术经济性,供电站设计及运行参考 Through the thermal calculation of the low added s