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华菱钢铁集团公司这几年可说是喜讯频传:上市,债转股,增发新股,薄板项目破土动工……去年,该集团以400万吨钢产量5.3亿元利润的综合实力跻身全国钢铁行业八大“金刚”行列,在全省企业中更是名列榜首。照理,这样一家发展势头正健的企业,应该充溢着一派“莺歌燕舞”的“过日子”氛围,但笔者每次来该企业采访,却强烈地感受到四处弥漫着的灼人紧迫气息。华菱董事长李效伟曾经这样精辟地阐述:“若华菱的生命周期不想只是集团主要负责人的工作生命周期或产品的生命周期,那就必须在企业内部营造一种时刻存在的危机文化,让全体员工时时保持清醒的头脑,从而铸造百年华菱!” 这,就是李效伟倡导的“危机理念”。 Valin Iron and Steel Group in recent years can be said to be good news: listing, debt-to-equity, new shares issuance, sheet metal project broke ground ... ... Last year, the group to 4 million tons of steel output 530 million yuan of consolidated profit among the national steel industry Eight “King Kong” ranks among the enterprises in the province is topped the list. Reason, such a positive momentum of development of the enterprise, should be filled with a school “Yinggeyanwu ” “living ” atmosphere, but every time I come to the business interview, but strongly felt the scorching urgency filled with the atmosphere . Li Xiaowei, chairman of Valin, once elaborated: “If Valin’s life cycle does not want to be the main life of the group’s main life cycle or product life cycle, it must be created within the enterprise a crisis culture, Let all employees always keep a clear head, thus casting a century Huarling! ”This is Li Xiaowei advocated “ crisis concept ”.
The economic performance of the nonferrousmetals industry has shown a down curve in thefirst half of the year.Profitability of theindustry in the period has on
第二次全国 10 0 0 m3以下高炉炼铁生产技术交流会于2 0 0 2年 10月 2 1~ 2 3日在柳钢召开。会议的主题是“提高中小高炉精料水平 ,深层次节能降耗、降低炼铁成本 ,增强企业的
A gold leaching process by using in situ oxidation products of added elemental sulfur in Ca(OH)2 solution was investigated. A gold concentrate containing 45 g/t