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六.生理性病害(一)菌丝徒长在外界环境条件有利手营养生长而不利生殖生长时,菌丝一直生长,冒出土层,密集成块,但不产生子实体。木屑栽培香菇在菌丝愈合阶段,当表面菌丝已经发自而有黄色水珠产生时,如不及时掀动塑料薄膜换气降温,表面的细丝便继续生长,最后结成一层白色浓厚的菌被,抑制菌营的形成,严重影响香菇的产量。预防方法:1)在移接蘑菇母种过程中,挑选半基内半气生菌丝混合接种。2)当表面发现“菌被”时,最好重新覆上一层土,或用刺耙破坏徒长菌丝体;加大菇房通风量或在菇场上用竹签插洞,促进透气。并降低空气相对湿度,喷重水促使菌丝及时结成子实体。3)菌块菌丝愈合后,表面菌丝已经发自 Physiological diseases (A) mycelium Legitimate favorable external environmental conditions in the hands of the vegetative growth and unfavorable reproductive growth, mycelium has been growing, emerge from the soil, dense block, but does not produce fruiting bodies. Sawdust cultivated mushrooms in the mycelium healing phase, when the surface mycelium has been issued from the yellow water droplets, if not promptly tilt the plastic film to cool, the surface of the filament will continue to grow, and finally form a white thick Of the bacteria is to inhibit the formation of bacteria camp, a serious impact on the yield of mushrooms. Prevention: 1) In the transfer of mushroom mother species, the selection of semi-base of semi-aerial hyphae mixed inoculation. 2) When the surface is found “bacteria is ”, it is best to re-cover with a layer of soil, or prickle harrowed mycelium damage; increase the amount of mushroom house ventilation or mushroom field with bamboo plug hole to promote Breathable And reduce the relative humidity of the air, heavy water spray to promote timely formation of mycelium fruiting bodies. 3) bacteria mycelium healing, surface mycelium has been sent from
二十三、结果期的中心任务是什么? 从第一条瓜坐住到拉秧为结果期,结果期愈长,产量愈高。结果期虽然营养生长和生殖生长同步进行,但光合作用产物往往大量运至果实,营养生长
柑桔矢尖蚧和柑桔红蜘蛛、锈壁虱是我县柑桔的主要害虫.1938~1989年我县引进江苏省靖江生物化工厂生产的机油乳剂,对蚧类、螨类进行田间防效试验. Citrus reddish scale and
有许多农民对防除稻田稗草感到头痛,其实并不太难!并键是抓好秧田防除及本田防除使用除草剂的最佳时期,掌握好用药剂量及方法。 1.秧田除稗草 普遍使用的除草剂是60%丁草胺乳
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为了摸清丁草胺和克草胺除草剂在水田的实际除草效果,推动化学除草工作,我们于1989年5~6月间,在莆田县早稻主产区黄石镇进行药效试验. In order to find out the actual herb
生  姜    生姜的食用器官为地下肉质根状茎,含有辛香浓郁的挥发油和姜辣素,主要用作调味蔬莱。可加工制成干姜、糖姜、盐姜、五味姜、子油姜、姜粉、姜油及其他加工食