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蝶恋花·胜华雨霁谁挽青牛耕白浪?拨尽云烟,倏见伊相向:虹轭拱天三百丈,一绳江水曳千嶂。峭壁层崖呼我上。喜听龙孙,笔底雷霆壮。老树簪花和露放,依稀着意燃藜杖胜华山,又名长岭寨,在长汀县城南十里处。一九二九年三月中旬,毛泽东同志率红四军首次入闽,于此一举歼灭土著军阀郭凤鸣旅三千余人,为创立闽西革命根据地奠定了基础。 Butterflies love flowers wins win the rain 霁 who pull green cattle plowed white clouds? Make clouds, 倏 see Iraq to the opposite: Hong Yaxian Baizhang Baizhang, a rope Jiang Shuo thousand 嶂. Cliff cliff call me. Listen to grandchildren, pen Thunder strong. Stagnant flowers and dew put the old tree, vaguely burning burning cricket wins Huashan, also known as Changling Walled, south of Changting County at ten miles. In mid-March 1929, Comrade Mao Zedong led the Forces of the Red Army to enter Fujian for the first time, thereby annihilating more than 3,000 native Guo warlord Guo Fengming brigades and laying the foundation for the establishment of a revolutionary base in West Fujian.
自1978年起,我们逐步开展了录音资料工作,经过几年的努力,建立了省医学录音资料情报网。现将初步体会简述如下。 (一)组建医学录音资料情报网的条件 1.首先要有医学录音资料
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