扎扎实实地推进技术进步 为机械工业持续、快速、健康发展而努力奋斗(摘要)

来源 :机械制造与自动化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:billguo
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一九九三年是我局的发展年、效益年, 同时也是机械工业再次面临宏观调控经受考验的一年。在小平同志南巡讲话和党的十四届三中全会精神指引下,全局上下一条心,以市场为导向,以效益为中心,抓住机遇, 参与竞争,锐意改革,加速发展,圆满地完成了全年各项经济技术指标。九三年全局实现工业总产值30.49亿元, 比上年增长31.82%;实现销售收入36.7亿元,比上年增长49%;实现利税3.16亿元,比上年增长44.4%;实现利润1.86亿元、出口收购值15886万元,分别比上年增长67.52和20.7%。尤其可喜的是,新产品产值达到13.23亿元,新品产值率高达43.38%,首次出现新产品产值增长幅度超过工业总产值增长幅度的好势头。产品质量基本稳定。 1993 is the year of development and the year of effectiveness of our bureau. It is also the year when the machinery industry once again faces the test of macro-control. Under the guidance of Comrade Xiaoping Nannan’s speech and the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, we are guided by the market as a whole and centered on efficiency, seizing the opportunities and participating in the competition. We are determined to carry out reforms and accelerate the development with a satisfactory conclusion. Annual economic and technical indicators. In 1993, the total industrial output value reached 3.049 billion yuan, an increase of 31.82% over the previous year; the sales income was 3.67 billion yuan, an increase of 49% over the previous year; the profits and taxes were 316 million yuan, an increase of 44.4% over the previous year; and the profit was 186 million yuan Yuan, the export value of 158,860,000 yuan acquisition, respectively, an increase of 67.52 and 20.7% over the previous year. What is particularly gratifying is that the output value of new products reached 1.323 billion yuan and the new product output rate as high as 43.38%. For the first time, there has been a good trend that the growth rate of the output value of new products exceeds the growth rate of total industrial output value. Product quality is basically stable.
1.1我们所谓含介词“把”(包括介词“将”)的连动式,指的是下面这样的句子。 ①书店把我的原稿送去审查。 唐弢《琐忆》 ②我把他的一双旧鞋送到城里吉勒特先生的鞋店修理了
11月15日至18日,共青团海南省委、海南省农村青年致富带头人协会组织全省各界农业精英代表组团赴福建考察学习交流,在短短四天三晚的时间里团员们激情碰撞,深入探讨,互通有无。虽由繁忙的工作转入紧张的学习,但都选择放空心态,回归初心。  随感一:活动丰富  此次考察之旅活动层次分明,既有规定的考察计划安排,又有自发的研讨交流动作,从厦门——莆田——古田——福州,参观考察专业合作社、闽中有机食品、方家铺
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