Chunggan extract, a traditional herbal formula, ameliorated alcohol-induced hepatic injury in rat mo

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miao4701730
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AIM: To evaluate protective effects of Chunggan extract(CGX), a traditional herbal formula, under 4 wk of alcohol consumption-induced liver injury. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley Rats were orally administered 30% ethanol daily for 4 wk with or without CGX. The pharmaceutical properties were assessed through liver enzymes, histopathology, fibrogenic cytokines, and alcohol metabolism in hepatic tissues as well as by in vitro experiment using HSC-T6 cells. RESULTS: Four weeks of alcohol consumption notably increased liver enzymes and malondialdehyde levels in serum and hepatic tissue. CGX not only prevented the collagen deposition determined by histopathology and hydroxyproline content, but also normalized transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factorbeta and connective tissue growth factor at the gene expression and protein levels in liver tissue. Moreover, CGX treatment also significantly normalized the abnormal changes in gene expression profiles of extracellular matrix proteins, matrix metalloproteinase and their inhibitors, alcohol metabolism, and inflammatory reactions. In the acetaldehyde-stimulated HSC-T6 cells, CGX considerably inhibited collagen production and normalized fibrogenic cytokines in both gene expression and protein levels. CONCLUSION: The present study evidenced that CGX has hepatoprotective properties via modulation of fibrogenic cytokines and alcohol metabolism in alcoholic liver injury. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered 30% ethanol daily for 4 wk with or without CGX (CGX), a traditional herbal formula, under 4 wk of alcohol consumption-induced liver injury . The pharmaceutical properties were assessed through liver enzymes, histopathology, fibrogenic cytokines, and alcohol metabolism in hepatic tissues as well as by in vitro experiment using HSC-T6 cells. RESULTS: Four weeks of alcohol consumption not likely increased liver enzymes and malondialdehyde levels in serum and hepatic tissue. CGX not only prevented the protein deposition by histopathology and hydroxyproline content, but also normalized transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factorbeta and connective tissue growth factor at the gene expression and protein levels in liver tissue. Moreover, CGX treatment also significantly normalized the abnormal changes in gene expression profiles of extracellular matrix proteins, matrix metalloproteinase and their inhibitors, alcohol metabolism, and inflammatory reactions. In the acetaldehyde-stimulated HSC-T6 cells, CGX represented inhibited manufactured and normalized fibrogenic cytokines in both gene expression and protein levels. CONCLUSION: The present study evidence that CGX has hepatoprotective properties via modulation of fibrogenic cytokines and alcohol metabolism in alcoholic liver injury.
布道者——孔子    像一阵清风,让百草低伏。仍是一辆简陋而陈旧的牛车,仍是几名瘦弱而虔诚着的门徒,踏上的,是一条普度众生之途。  满脸愀然的,仍是民风世俗。可悲呀,那芸芸众生!为蝇头小利而钻营,为城池得失而暴政。忠孝节悌何在,恭俭温良何存?!  人之初,性本善。人是皆可尧舜的啊,为何世风日下?  一辆牛车,几位门徒,所行之处,冷眼相顾。  他对君子说,君子爱财,取之有道。  他对小人说,克己复礼
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