Quasi-classical trajectory investigation on the stereodynamics of Li + DF(v=1-6,j=0)→LiF+D reaction

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w34gss
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In this paper, the stereodynamics of Li + DF → Li F + D reaction is investigated by the quasi-classical trajectory(QCT)method on the2 A potential energy surface(PES) at a relatively low collision energy of 8.76 kcal/mol. The scalar properties of the title reaction such as reaction probability and cross section are studied with vibrational quantum number of v = 1–6. The product angular distributions P(θr) and P(φr) are presented in the same vibrational level range. Moreover, two polarization-dependent generalized differential cross sections(PDDCSs), i.e., the PDDCS00 and PDDCS22+are calculated as well. These stereodynamical results demonstrate sensitive behaviors to the vibrational quantum numbers. In this paper, the stereodynamics of Li + DF → Li F + D reaction is investigated by the quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) method on the2 A potential energy surface (PES) at a relatively low collision energy of 8.76 kcal / mol. scalar properties of the title reaction such as reaction probability and cross section are studied with vibrational quantum number of v = 1-6. The product angular distributions P (θr) and P (φr) are presented in the same vibrational level range. Furthermore, Two polarization-dependent generalized differential cross sections (PDDCSs), ie, the PDDCS00 and PDDCS22 + are calculated as well. These stereodynamical results demonstrate sensitive behaviors to the vibrational quantum numbers.
玛塔·哈莉,这名字代表着肆无忌惮的色情,异国情调的舞者,和德国间谍。有人说这位蛇蝎美人的诱惑和背叛,造成了成千上万的法国士兵的死亡。  她独自站在1917年的巴黎郊区,时髦的短靴沾满了被骑兵踏起的淤泥。她礼貌的告诉刽子手,不要把她绑在行刑柱上,也不要蒙上她的眼睛。不久之前,大约凌晨5点钟,他们叫醒了肮脏小牢房里的她,告诉她今天送她上路,她穿上了自己最好的裤袜,鸽子灰两件式外套里面穿了低胸短衫。虽然