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机关档案管理工作是一项基础性的工作,也是一项服务型的业务性工作,是一个单位各种信息的积累和发展过程中重要的信息来源。机关档案对于一个部门来说,是一种无形的资产,可为部门的决策提供重要的科学依据。因此,机关档案管理工作是一项极具现实意义的工作。随着当今时代的发展,网络信息技术高度普及的新形势下,机关档案管理工作也被不断地被赋予新的使命。机关档案管理工作必须不断创新,谋求新的发展空间,才能适应新形势发展的需要及自身发展 Organizational records management is a basic work, but also a service-oriented business work, is an important source of information in the accumulation and development of a variety of units. For a department, an agency file is an invisible asset that can provide an important scientific basis for departmental decision-making. Therefore, the management of the agency file is a very meaningful work. With the development of today’s era and the rapid popularization of network information technology, the administration of archives has been continuously given new missions. Organizations file management must continue to innovate and seek new space for development in order to adapt to the needs of the new situation and development of their own development
例1 已知x、y是实数,且满足 x2+xy+y2—2=0,求x2—xy+y2的取值范围. 解因为 x2+xy+y2=2①设x2—xy+y2=t ②①—②,得③①+③,得④由④知 t≤6,由变式,得解得 t≥2/3,所以例2
倒数,初一同学也很熟悉,但是用倒数巧妙地求解一些较难的题,就不一定都熟悉了,提供以下4题,供同学们练习. In the countdown, the first classmates are also very familiar
为加强铁路运输企业技术创新工作,上海铁路局日前公布了《关于加强全局技术创新的意见》一文,现转载如下,便于学习贯彻。 In order to strengthen the technological innovatio
介绍梅花山站 K2 67+75 0~ +90 0段 5 0 m高路堑 ,在保证贵昆电气化铁路正常运营情况下 ,扩堑控爆和安全防护技术措施 Introduce the high-speed cut of K2 67 + 75 0 ~ +90
对货车经过两次提速重载后出现的故障进行分析 ,并提出防范措施 After the truck twice speeding heavy load failure analysis, and put forward preventive measures