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各位委员,同志们:中国科协六届四次全委会议开了两天,在各位委员和与会同志的共同努力下,圆满完成了预定的议程,就要闭幕了。在开幕式上,王兆国同志代表党中央、国务院作了重要讲话。他在讲话中对科技界和科协过去一年的工作给予了充分肯定,对贯彻落实十六届三中全会精神和实施人才强国战略提出了明确的要求,对科协工作具有十分重要的指导意义。会议听取并审议通过了张玉台同志代表常委会所作的工作报告。与会委员在分组审议中对科协的工作提出了十分重要的建议,刚才各位代表已经向大家做了汇报。其中加强“三农”和西部地区的工作;科协各项工作要更加求真务实,提倡讲真话;要对学会进行分类指导,要发扬学术民主;要加强科协自身和基层组织的建设等等,我想做好这些工作,一定会对今年科协的工作起到重要的推动作用。会上还有11位全国性学会、地方科协的领导同志作了大会发言,他们介绍了在过去一年中以创新、开拓的精神,各项工作取得的成绩和经验,对我 Dear members, Comrades, The four sessions of the 6th Plenary Session of the 6th China Association for Science and Technology were held for two days. With the joint efforts of all members and participating comrades, the successful conclusion of the scheduled agenda is coming to an end. At the opening ceremony, Comrade Wang Zhaoguo made an important speech on behalf of the Central Party Committee and the State Council. In his speech, he fully affirmed the work of the scientific and technological community and the Association for Science and Technology for the past year, set forth clear requirements for implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and implementing the strategy of strengthening the nation by employing qualified personnel, and have very important guidance on the work of the Association for Science and Technology. significance. The meeting heard and reviewed and approved the work report made by Comrade Zhang Yutai on behalf of the Standing Committee. The participating members made very important suggestions on the work of the Association for Science and Technology during the group deliberations. Just now, representatives have reported to everyone. The three sides should strengthen their work on “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and the western region; all work of the Association for Science and Technology should be more truth-seeking and truth-telling, and truth-telling should be advocated. To classify and guide the Institute, it is necessary to promote academic democracy; And so on. I think that doing a good job in these areas will surely play an important role in promoting the work of the Association for Science and Technology this year. There were also 11 national societies at the conference. Leaders and leaders of the CASTAC made speeches at the conference. They briefed them on achievements and experiences gained in various fields in the past year in the spirit of innovation and pioneering.
经过半年多星际旅行 ,美国“勇气”号火星车于太平洋时间 2 0 0 4年 1月 3日 2 0时35分 (北京时间 4日 1 2时 35分 )左右 ,在火星表面成功着陆 ,并于 2 0时 52分向地球发回第