
来源 :林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdf07124029
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《林业科学》是中国林学会主办的高级学术刊物,1955年创刊。1985年是它创刊三十周年。这个刊物创办以来,在林业现代化建设中发挥了重要作用,作出了可贵的贡献。为此,在纪念这个刊物创刊三十周年的时候,我们代表中国林学会、《林业科学》编委会,向创刊以来为刊物操劳的历届主编、编委同志们,为支持和关心我们工作的领导同志们,为在这个园地上辛勤耕耘的编辑同志们以及为做好我们出版发行工作的同志们表示衷心的感谢。 Forestry Science is a senior academic journal sponsored by China Society of Forestry and was first published in 1955. 1985 is the thirtieth anniversary of its publication. Since its establishment, this publication has played an important role in the modernization of forestry and has made valuable contributions. To this end, in commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of this publication, we represent the Chinese Society of Forestry, “Forestry Science” editorial board, since the publication of the publication for the past editor of the editors, editorial board comrades, in order to support and care about our work Leaders, comrades, express my heart-felt gratitude to the editors who have worked diligently in this field, as well as the comrades who have done our best to publish and distribute it.
介绍了国内外阻燃剂的生产状况和市场分布情况,几种典型阻燃剂的特点及进展;对各型阻燃剂的优缺点进行了简单阐述;指出我国阻燃剂工业应向着环保、低毒、高效的方向发展。 T
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白花泡桐 C001经林业部于1985年11月在河南省新乡通过鉴定,认为是白花泡桐优良无性系,在我国南部很有生产潜力。该株系的母树在桂林市砖瓦厂内,1968年3月用一年生苗种植,11
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