
来源 :中国超声医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanjiezm
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应用彩色多普勒诊断仪对36例原发性肝癌患者介入治疗前后肝脏及肿瘤内血流动力学变化进行测定和分析研究。发现本组原发性肝癌患者均为高供血性,肝固有动脉的内径、血流速度和血流量均明显高于正常人和其他肝脏病患者(P<0.05),肝癌患者的肝脏血供是以肝固有动脉血流量骤增为特点,当大于500亳升/分时,有助于对肝内占位性病变的鉴别诊断。介入治疗(TranshepaticArteryEmbolization,TAE)后,肝脏的血流动力学发生明显变化。TAE治疗后近期,肝脏血流量明显增加,并以肝固有动脉血流量骤减和门静脉血流量代偿性增加为其特点(P<0.05)。TAE治疗后一个月,肝固有动脉血流进一步降低,且TAE后近期代偿性增加的门静脉血流量也逐步降低、并恢复和接近治疗的水平(P<0.05)。肝脏和肿瘤的血供均明显减少,表现出正性治疗作用。本组均为巨块型肝癌,肿瘤内血流丰富,26例为动脉血流,10例为动静脉混合血流。TAE治疗后,肿瘤的血流也发生明显变化,动脉血流减少或消失,变为静脉血流甚或无血流;血流分级发生明显变化,肿瘤血流中Ⅱ~Ⅲ级血供明显减少或消失(P<0.05)。但随TAE后时间的延长,肿瘤血流又有不同程度增? Color Doppler sonography was used to measure and analyze hemodynamic changes in liver and tumor before and after interventional treatment of 36 patients with primary liver cancer. The patients with primary liver cancer in this group were found to have high blood supply. The internal diameter, blood flow velocity, and blood flow of the proper hepatic artery were significantly higher than those in normal and other liver diseases (P<0.05). Liver cancer patients had liver blood. The supply is characterized by a sudden increase in blood flow in the proper hepatic artery. When it is greater than 500 ml/min, it is helpful for the differential diagnosis of intrahepatic space-occupying lesions. After interventional therapy (Transhepatic Artery Embolization, TAE), the hepatic hemodynamics changed significantly. Immediately after TAE treatment, hepatic blood flow increased significantly, which was characterized by a sudden decrease in hepatic arterial blood flow and compensatory increase in portal venous blood flow (P<0.05). One month after TAE treatment, the blood flow of the proper hepatic arteries was further reduced, and the recently compensated increased portal vein blood flow after TAE also gradually decreased and recovered and approached the treatment level (P<0.05). The blood supply to the liver and tumors was significantly reduced, showing a positive therapeutic effect. This group is a massive liver cancer with abundant blood flow in the tumor, 26 cases of arterial blood flow, and 10 cases of arteriovenous mixed blood flow. After TAE treatment, the blood flow of the tumor also changed significantly. Arterial blood flow decreased or disappeared, and blood flow became or even no blood flow. Significant changes occurred in blood flow grading. The blood supply in tumor blood flow II to III was significantly reduced or Disappeared (P<0.05). But with the extension of time after TAE, tumor blood flow increased in varying degrees?
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