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1955年初秋,我挽着一大袋书籍,踏着满街的斜阳和紫红的落花,脑里仍回想着刚才学习班上讨论的社会主义和新民主主义在中国实践的新鲜课题。当我站在交通灯前等候过马路时,一个警察急步走近,问我:袋里是什么?打开看看!我心里有点发毛,可又不能拒绝。所幸,袋子打开,最上面的几本是生物学、高等数学……。在那个年代,假如看到了我袋中的《中国共产党章程》、《政治经济学》、《联共(布)党史》等书名,这位香港皇家警察可不会轻易放我走。由于在香港的“官立”学校里学不到国内统一考试的学科或相似的内容,因此,有志回内地升学的,都要与亲中学校(当时亦称左倾学校)的学生联合组成学习小组,由他们介绍升学情况及准备应考的功课。那时,我已考了香港中学会考,拿了奖学金,可以乘胜进入香港大学。但是,想到了自己和祖国的前途,接触了进步的 In the early autumn of 1955, I was holding a large bag of books, marching through the sunset and purple flowers, and still recalling the fresh topics of socialism and new-democratic practice in China just discussed in the study class. As I stood waiting for the traffic light to cross the street, a police officer approached me and asked me: What was in the bag? Open it! My hair was a little hairy but I could not refuse it. Fortunately, the bags open, the top of the few are biology, advanced mathematics ... .... At that time, if I saw the titles of “Constitution of the Communist Party of China”, “Political Economy” and “History of the Communist Party (Bu) Party” in my bag, the Hong Kong Royal Police would not easily let me go. As there are no subjects or similar contents of the unified examination in Hong Kong’s “government schools,” all those who aspire to study in the Mainland should join forces with students from pro-secondary schools (then known as left-leaning schools) The group, who introduced their studies and prepared for homework. At that time, I had already passed the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and took a scholarship to win the admission of Hong Kong University. However, I came across the future of myself and the motherland and touched the progress
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时下,什么《满分作文》《快速作文》《考场作文》等等作文选,可以说琳琅满目。有的同学不能正确使用这些书。每当上作文课,作文题目一出来,同学们马上掏出作文选,寻找题目对得上号的文章,开始“仿写”。有的同学手中往往准备了好几本作文选。结果往往是东拼西凑、断章取义、文不对题。有人称之为“仿写”。其实,要写好作文,观察比仿写更重要。  下面是一个年轻妈妈的作文家教手记,应该能够给我们以启发。  前几天,我那