加强执法监督 促进农业投入

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《中华人民共和国农业法》自1993年7月颁布实施以来,为了推动这部农业大法在天津市的贯彻执行,依法加强对农业和农村经济的管理,进一步巩固提高农业的基础地位,促进农业和农村经济发展,农民收入增加,农村社会稳定,市人大常委会确定了对农业法的执法检查要连续抓三年的工作思路,并明确把制约农业和农村经济发展的农业投入问题作为检查的重点。从1995年至1997年,在常委会的领导下,农村委负责具体实施,组织部分市人大常委会 Since the promulgation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Agriculture” in July 1993, in order to promote the implementation of this agricultural law in Tianjin, strengthen the management of agriculture and the rural economy in accordance with the law, further consolidate the basic position of agriculture and promote the development of agriculture and Rural economic development, increase in peasant income, social stability in rural areas, the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee identified the law enforcement inspection of agricultural law should continuously grasp the work of thinking for three years, and explicitly limit the agriculture and rural economic development of agricultural input as the focus of inspection . From 1995 to 1997, under the leadership of the Standing Committee, the rural committee is responsible for the concrete implementation of some of the Municipal People’s Congress
编辑部负责人您好: 我读了《中国牧业通讯》1998年第6期刊登的“基层之声”一文后,想借贵刊一角说说心里话,提几点建议。 1.《动物防疫法》从今年1月实施,已有半年多时间,由
延边州通过立法规范和促进酒类市场健康发展延边朝鲜族自治州于6年4月8日公布实施了(延边朝鲜族自治州酒类专卖管理条例),这是我国围绕酒类专卖管理出台的第一部法规性 Yan
机会是等出来的还是准备出来的?请听爱戴是怎么说的。Life is full of sweet surprises for Chinese pop singer Edell(爱戴).She majored in design in a Canadian colleg
秦王朝,存在仅15年就被秦末农民战争推翻了。陈胜、吴广起义虽然失败了,但他们的精神鼓舞着全国人民起来反抗暴秦,秦王朝最后被项羽、刘邦所推翻。 The Qin Dynasty was ove