
来源 :剑南文学(经典教苑) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luowencheng7758258
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建构主义教学是一种新型的教学理论,它与英美文学教学非常契合。本文简单解释了什么是建构主义教学模式,并主要分析了将建构主义的教学模式应用于高校英美文学教学当中以达到创新目的的方式方法。 Constructivism teaching is a new type of teaching theory, which is very fit with English and American literature teaching. This article briefly explains what is constructivism teaching mode, and mainly analyzes ways and means of applying constructivism teaching mode to college English and American literature teaching to achieve the purpose of innovation.
Using the digital telemetric seismic waveform data of Chengdu and Kunming, this article studies the focal mechanism solutions and the apparent stress values of
Sonic log is the most versatile reservoir evaluation tool that has been introduced to the industry. Compaction,erosion and over pressurized zone can be evaluate
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Mountain-block recharge(MBR) to adjacent basin aquifers can be a significant source of groundwater in arid and semi-arid regions.Unfortunately,geologic complexi
In order to assess the seismic hazard in an area with high seismogenic potential as the Messina Straits is, we employed the Cornell’s probabilistic approach, i
Based on isotropic linear poroelastic theory and under the undrained condition,we summarize three equations connecting the Skempton’s coefficient B with the gr
It is important to set up a detailed dynamic model of the fluid flow through fractures for understanding many fluid processes in Earth sciences.Numerical simula