
来源 :现代语文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyby
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如本文的标题一样,在汉字中间夹杂字母并不鲜见。尤其是近些年来,无论是书面语,还是口语中,字母词的运用越来越普遍。然而,字母词并不全是英文词语或英文词语的缩写,还有另外的方式,如汉语拼音或汉语拼音的缩写。字母词运用最全面、最活跃的语言形式是网络语言,可以从中找到所 As the title of this article, the inclusion of letters in the middle of Chinese characters is not uncommon. Especially in recent years, the use of alphabetic letters has become more and more common in both written and spoken languages. However, not all alphabetic words are abbreviations of English words or English words. There are other ways, such as Hanyu Pinyin or the abbreviation of Hanyu Pinyin. The most comprehensive and dynamic alphabetic language is the Internet language, from which you can find
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