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“成大器者亦拘小节”,对于轿车这个讲究精密机械加工的行业而言,此语可谓金科玉律。年度车2005及最佳价值体现奖得主TEANA天籁,无疑将这一精神发挥到了极致。在已为大众所熟知的方面,如具有浓郁东方情调与时尚家居般的雅致内室设计、全新均衡流线 “Into the device who are also restrained”, for cars that pay attention to the precision machining industry, the phrase can be described as the golden rule. The annual car 2005 and the best value reflects the award-winning TEANA Teana, will undoubtedly bring this spirit to the extreme. Known for the general public, such as elegant interior design with rich Oriental style and stylish home, the new balanced streamline
A series of studies were conducted to establish a methodology for the accurate and efficient determination of can-thaxanthin in feed ingredients.Agilent ZORBAX
已经读了一年语言文字方向的研究生了,回头看看以前的学习历程,真可谓有喜有忧,有笑有泪。在整个学习过程中,我感觉古代汉语这门 Have read a year of graduate students in
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In order to reduce the vibration on a machine tool,more orthogonal experiment schemes have been designed,which are based on the steel balls vibration reducing p
人的一生不干成几件像样的事,活着还有什么意义。耐得寂寞,经得住诱惑,坚持干自己喜欢的事业,这就是他成功的“真经”。 What’s the point of living if you do not get a
专家说意外伤害已是14岁以下儿童的第一死因未成年人更需要呵护与关爱积极培养孩子们的自我保护能力。 Experts say accidental injury is the first death of children und