反腐倡廉 官民互动

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2013年可谓是中共反腐倡廉关键的一年,成绩斐然。一年来,已有李春城、周镇宏、刘铁男等多名省部级官员、央企高管因为严重违法违纪相继落马;而一些官位小、贪腐大的更是数不胜数。经梳理公开材料可发现,落马者中,多人涉嫌权权交易、权钱交易、权色交易。而“官民互动”的反腐模式,越发彰显了中央对反腐倡廉的决心。信访举报得力对于公众来说,除了对落马官员的贪腐情况广为关注外,对贪腐案件的线索来源渠道也很关心。据了解,纪检部门案件的来源渠道正在不断拓宽,除了来信、来访,还有中央纪委监察部举报网站、 2013 is a crucial year for the CCP in fighting corruption and promoting clean government. Over the past year, there have been many provincial and ministerial officials like Li Chuncheng, Zhou Zhenhong and Liu Tienan as well as senior executives of central government enterprises successively dropping out because of serious violations of laws and regulations. However, some officials with small positions and large amounts of corruption are numerous. After the carding public materials can be found, among those who fall, many people involved in the right to trade, power of money transactions, the right to color transactions. However, the anti-corruption model of “interaction between officials and civilians” shows the determination of the Central Government to fight corruption and build a clean government. Proper reporting and petitioning For the general public, apart from paying close attention to the corruption of officials in Lok Ma, the sources of clues to corruption cases are also of great concern. It is understood that the sources of discipline inspection department cases are constantly expanding channels, in addition to letters, visits, as well as the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reporting department website,
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