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退休老工人张师傅得了风湿病,经常服用消炎镇痛药,其中以保泰松为主。几个月后病情得到了控制,却出现了新问题,发现上腹不适,时而引起恶心呕吐,继而黑便,诊断为胃溃疡。经医生详细解释,保泰松刺激胃粘膜作用较强,若连续用药超过2周,或每天用量在400毫克以上,可以引起胃炎和胃肠溃疡。特别是老年人胃肠功能退化,更容易发病,且病情较重。 绝大多数药物均要通过胃肠系统进行传送、消化和吸收。“是药三分毒”,胃肠系统首当其冲地受到某些药物的刺激及损害。据临床研究表明,因用药不当而导致的胃炎、胃肠道溃疡和出血等疾病,约占胃病总人数的三分之一以上,且有逐年增加的趋势。尤其有些病人“恨病吃药”,为了早日康复,擅自加大剂量,结果旧病未愈,又滋生出新的祸端。这里介绍,些容易引起胃病的常见药物,提醒人们注意。 解热镇痛药 阿司匹林可抑制胃部粘液分泌,直接损害胃粘膜上皮细胞,同时又能抑制前列腺素合成,间接促进胃酸分泌增加;这两方面作用使胃壁粘膜水肿、发炎、糜烂、溃疡。病人表现为上腹不适、恶心、 Master Zhang retired workers got rheumatism, often taking anti-inflammatory analgesics, of which Phenylbutazone-based. A few months later the condition was brought under control but new problems were found and abdominal discomfort was found, sometimes causing nausea and vomiting, followed by melena, diagnosing gastric ulcer. The doctor explained in detail, Phenylbutazone strong role in stimulating the gastric mucosa, if more than 2 weeks of continuous medication, or daily dosage of 400 mg or more, can cause gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers. In particular, gastrointestinal deterioration of the elderly, more susceptible to disease, and the serious condition. The vast majority of drugs are transmitted through the gastrointestinal system, digestion and absorption. “It’s a three-dose drug,” and the gastrointestinal system is the first to be stimulated and damaged by certain drugs. According to clinical studies have shown that due to improper use of drugs caused by gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding and other diseases, accounting for more than one third of the total number of stomach, and there is a trend of increasing year by year. In particular, some patients “hate disease medicine”, in order to recover soon, arbitrarily increase the dose, the results of the old disease healed, but also breed a new scourge. Here to introduce some of the common drugs that cause stomach problems, to remind people to pay attention. Antipyretic analgesic Aspirin can inhibit mucus secretion in the stomach, directly damage gastric mucosal epithelial cells, while inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis, indirectly promote the increase of gastric acid secretion; these two effects make the gastric mucosal edema, inflammation, erosion, ulcers. Patients showed abdominal discomfort, nausea,
如果我们生活的全部目的仅在于我们个人的幸福,我们个人的幸福又仅仅在于一个爱情,那么,生活就会变成一片遍布荒茔枯冢的阴暗的荒原,变成一座可怕的地狱…… If the whole p